Just wanted to get a few pictures up of the kiddos from last night! We had a short evening because Weds are my late night at work, but it was fun anyway. We went to the church where Jason's mom works because every year they do a little deal where you can come and trick or treat. My mother in law puts a lot into it, so it's a good time. Carson wasn't scared at all of the masks. I was a little worried about that. He actually found one guy with a walrus mask on who he liked a lot!
Kenedey Carson and Nana Kim
Carson had a party at daycare today and they took some pictures that I hope I get to see soon! I guess that they put the pictures in a powerpoint deal and played it for the church at their halloween open house that evening. Apparently the last image of that presentation was Carson in his costume with his hands on his costume looking upset with his hands near his mouth and she said he looked like the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz... I guess they wrote on that slide, "We hope you have a roaring good Halloween" Aww our little guy is a star!
Kenedey was supposed to be a Vampiress, however... she is too cute to be something mean and ugly! She left her fangs at school so in the pictures she is minus fangs! Carson was a lion, we thought that when he would leave the hood up, he looked like an ewok! Remember those?! We painted wiskers and nose on his face, but after a bout 10 minutes he looked like a libey kid with a filthy rotten dirty face and finger nails that hadn't been cleaned for 6 months! After the church we ran over to Jason's grandma's house to visit her quickly and then headed over to the home of the doctor I work for (The Robertson's). Kenedey was a little disappointed on our way there because she didn't think she was getting enough candy. But once we got to the Robertson's her worries were quickly dimished. Terry (Dr. R's wife) hooked her up with all kinds of good loot and im not talking little treats that most give out. I think she must have gotten about 20 items from them and they were serious candy bars... she even got some fruit snacks Carson! We just hung out there and took a tour around their beautiful home.
Hope everyone enjoyed their halloween!
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