Today I picked up a really neat article that I was going to share on my blog tonight, but for some reason I can't find what I did with it so I will have to save that for tomorrow. I will also try to take some new pictures for tomorrow. Sorry I have a serious lack of pics going on here.
Anyway, I thought I would use this post to tell some of you how to leave a comment. I have a lot of visitors daily, but rarely do I get comments. I get emails from a lot of you, so I just thought it would be helpful to tell you how to leave one here if you choose to do so. Below each post you will see where it says comments. I don't mind if you would rather send an email or whatever is easiest, but I know some of you have mentioned to me that you didnt know how to leave a comment. Just click on the link where it says: "0 comments" and then it will give you a place to type, after that you can enter your information so that I know who the comment is from. Just a little education for those of you new to blogging! (Mom, Connie, Angie, Grammy, Lindsey, Jessi)
I am reading my new book and throughly enjoying it. I had a couple in today at work who are patients and I have gotten to know them pretty well. (Jessi you know who these people are, they say im their "angel") Well today we were talking about my upcoming bday on Thanksgiving. They asked how old I was going to be and I said 28. She said, "oh to be 28 again". I said oh yeah! She said well my kids were young when I was that age. It was a good times. I couldn't help but think back to my book im reading and I said, you know... it's interesting to me that you say that because like now life feels so challenging sometimes, I am spread so thin with all the demands of "life" and basically the first few chapters of this book im reading talk about how to just be real with how life "really" is. It REALLY is challenging. It's HARD work raising a family. Yet, this couple who has grown children looking back say that those were the good times. Those days were wonderful. Ugh! Am I missing something?! I thought that when you were older and your kids have gone and had families on their own. You had time to yourself and just enjoy each other and yadda yadda yadda! Now here they are telling me that it's just the opposite of that! IM. CONFUSED.!!!!
Well, I explained to them that I am reading this book and it has kind of shown me how much work what "we" as young moms are doing is so much work and is so tough. It's not a bad thing, yet just in my face how much "we" give of ourselves everyday. I just found the conversation I had with them and the generation gap interesting to see the perspectives! I guess that just tells me again how we really need to live in the moment and enjoy where we are at that moment! Hope this post makes sense! It's a tough concept to explain. Please tell me if this makes any sense to any of you and what you make of it. I know my readers are from all age ranges so I think it would be interesting to see what all of you make of this... come on try it out... post a comment!
Just some random old pictures to perk up the blog with some pics!
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