Monday, November 5, 2007

Blogger block

and its only day 6?

Woah what was I thinking when I signed up to do NaBloPoMo? I am determined to stay on track however, tonight I no topics to blog about. I am pretty sure that everyone except my mom, is sick of hearing about my cute and wonderful children! But they are what my world revolves around so thats going to have to be the topic for today!

Tonight they were playing so funny together. Kenedey was picking Carson up and holding him upside down by his legs and shaking him saying, "Give me all your lunch money!" LOL He was cracking up then she was tricking him making him think he could go under her legs like she was a tunnel. So just when he would get to her legs she would put them together so he would bang into the front of her legs. They would laugh really hard together. Then she got the great idea to tell him to spin in circles and then call him so he would walk to her. Great sister huh?!

Jessi and her crew ended up here tonight, her power went out and the resotoration update with Consumers didn't give a time when it would be back on. It is supposed to be very cold tonight and possible snow.... ugh. M.I.C.H.I.G.A.N

All you Florida people who read my blog, I don't like you right now! I can't wait for the holidays where I am there in the warmth... right now im freezing!

Hopefully I will have more interesting blogging ideas tomorrow~!