Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ahhh. Sunday

I love Sunday's. I am sitting her at 10pm watching the American Music Awards. There are some serious performers on here tonight. I think so far my fav was Chris Brown's performance. The song is just OK, but wow can the brotha dance! LOL I have decided I HAVE to have Alicia Keyes CD for my Bday. I just think she is super talented. I also throughly enjoyed Rhianna... girl can sing!

I usually don't get into award show's too much, but this is one I seriously enjoy. So today, I got up and headed out to Meijer's to pick up some random things and also get craft stuff for the kids to do for Thanksgiving. The kids made these today. I actually thought they were cool because even Lauren and Carson could join in. I think its tough to sometimes find things for them when they are this size, but it was pretty cute how they turned out. Ill try to take a pic later. I didn't take my camera this weekend, wish I had because Jessi made a gingerbread house with the kids too.

I bought the stuff to make this too for Turkey Day. Gotta find some time to fit it in before Thurs. I am looking forward to having the day off. I usually only work 1/2 day on Thurs. but I get paid vacation day so that will be cool to get paid for a whole Thursday. I am SO due for a REAL vacation. Can't wait for Christmas to come!!! A REAL break!!!

I got a lot of things on my list from Friday done. Go me!! Jessica tells me that I said in it that im really not a list person. Apparently I am and I didn't realize it. She says I have been making lists since I was like in 9th grade. After I thought about it, I think she is right. I get such a sense of accomplishment when I can check things of my "lists".

I think Kenedey and I are going to try to make these for Turkey day with Jason's family. I'll let you know how it turns out!


Kayla said...

Cute projects. Although I have to say your beginning to remind me of my Grandma a little too much!!!!

Jessi said...

I just want to say that when you were making your "list" back in like 9th grade or whatever, yet another random event I remember, I wanted to make lists to. I just had no idea what to write. Know, I write lists like 2 or 3 times a week. GO LIST PEOPLE! LOL