Sunday, November 25, 2007


Kenedey & Daymian (below) showing off their "loot" from their night hanging out!

Blowing kisses!

Well it's about time I do an update on the ole boy!
He is now 18 months ALREADY!!!
How does this happen so quickly? I like that he is growing up but ugh just last week he was tiny enough to hold in my arms and now...

Where to start?

  • He LOVES to dance! Tonight he was in the living room and Kenedey was watching Cheeta Girls on TV and he was running around jumping and just a dancin'. Cutest thing all of us have seen in awhile!
  • He is really increasing his vocabulary all the time. His annuciation isn't the greatest, but it's getting better by the day. Tonight I was taking pictures of him in the bathtub and I said "Peek a Boo" he shot back with, "pete a bo" He has never even attempted that one!
  • He says the word... SHOE all the TIME!!! He likes to put his shoes on and go bye bye, but as soon as he gets in his carseat, the sock and shoes are off and he has to tell me "shoe".
  • He LOVES to eat blueberry waffles in the morning and smoky links. He's not big on meat at dinner, but will eat just about anything IF you put ketchup on it. Last week I made roasted chicken and noodles and he didn't seem to like it... until, I put ketchup on the side so he could dip both the noodles and the chicken!
  • If something happens to Kenedey that makes her cry... like him beating her up, he will hug her and kiss her and pat her back (very hard) to make her "feel better"! She has been known to fake cry just to get that reaction out of him!
  • He still loves to watch Stuart Little, but has also added a little people video to his favs. He will let us know for sure which one he wants to watch.
  • He takes about a 2-3 hour nap everyday. He wakes up around 7 or 7:30 depending on when I have to leave for work and goes to bed at 8:30. He still only has 3 teeth on the bottom front row of teeth... what's up with that...?
  • He LOVES to take a bath. He occasionally gets 2 a day... ketchup is messy!

  • His favorite toys are blocks (the duplo type) and a little people bus that sings a song everyone in this house can recite in an instant! His favorite book is still "DOG".
  • He now calls his cup... juuu... It bugs all of us. It's a cup and it doesn't ALWAYS have juuu. Try MILK or WATER... but juuu?
  • He really likes to go to daycare! We have a little routine in the morning, we drop off Kenedey and he tells her "BYE" (loudly I might add) then I take him to daycare. We get out of the car and watch the big trucks go by in front of the church! (its off a highway). Then I say, "do you want to go see your friends?" Then I tickle him and make him giggle and we walk in sign him in and say hi to all his "friends". Usually when we get there they are serving breakfast. Usually he just waves bye to me and blows me a kiss! Occasionally he cries, but it only last .02 seconds and then someone picks him up and he lays his head on her shoulder and it's over. I think he just likes to butter them up. It's not uncommon for one of us to go pick him up and one of the "teachers" is rocking him or carrying him around. SPOILED... what about all the other girls?! He likes the babies at daycare and loves them a little too much his teachers tell me! He's very nice to them, but wants to kiss them and hug them ALL. THE. TIME!
  • Favorite songs he sings along to are: head, shoulders, knees and toes... ABC's (the normal version) and ABC (choo choo soul version) he says the mmmm mmm spot too! He dances to Soulja Boy with his sister and he pretty much tries to sing along... Thanks Kenedey!
  • Lastly, this week, he has started to come to me when he "poops" in his diaper and will say..."poop". He has been watching dad pee and the other night he decided he would lift his shirt and stand next to the toilet! Too bad he had a diaper on.. it might have been funny to see what he did. I think he will be getting a potty chair to at least introduce it within the next week or so!

So that about sums up our little guy at this age!!!