I just finished watching my fav. show and I cannot wait until its on next week!!! I just have to say... "I HATE SHE PRATT". Sorry to all of you who don't watch it for the boredom, but Jessi I know you will "get it".
Im really getting to the point where I nearly hate NaBloPoMo! I am SO ready for Nov. to be over because of it!
This week is such a busy week. So much to accomplish and yet sleep too... yeah that outta be tough! I have been up until 11:30 and 12 the past 2 nights so im hitting the bed now... it's already 11:30.
Carson had another reaction tonight to some salad dressing he was eating. He gets this odd rash around his mouth wherever certain foods touch his mouth. Some of the dressing that was on the lettuce got on his mouth and made it really red. The other few times he has had this it was from cottage cheese and yogurt. I can't figure out what is causing this. I'll post some pics of it tomorrow.
Jason was really sick tonight/today. He threw up all night long last night and got really dehydrated today. He is starting to feel better this evening. We think he may have gotten food poisoning! The one time that I am SO thankful for being on Optifast!!!
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