I have to admit it was a bit of a cop out. I had so much to do and so little time.
I have been particulary stressed out lately. I am not sure if it's the approaching holidays, if I just need a vacation, feeling "too busy", depression, the weather, life, a cranky 18 month old, a 10 year old with all kinds of school demands and not enough time to feel like im helping her. Probably all of the above.
I stayed up until 12 am the past 3 nights trying to accomplish things around here. You would think giving myself those few extra hours everyday would help me get caught up... Not so!
I did get a lot done last night, but then.... I wake up to the sound of a 18 month old choking??? or is that vomiting??? I had not been sleeping well between 12am and 3am because when I went to bed I put Carson in bed with me because he had sat up in his sleep and hit his head on the side of his crib. He settled right in and fell back asleep, but then as I said at 3am I hear "that noise". He had thrown up all over the pillow so it was in his hair, all over his clothes, all over the sheets, etc. I got him up really quickly he proceeded to throw up all over me and then the big rug next to the bed. (I guess that's better than the carpet). I took him into the bathroom puking all the way there and put him in the tub and undressed him and then bathed him. I got him out and went to lay him on the couch. I changed the sheets and cleaned everything up. All while I cannot find my glasses in my sleepiness and I am BLIND without them!
I got that all finished up and then Carson and I went back to bed. I kept him with me for fear he would vomit again and I wouldn't hear him. I brought a towel in with us that I had planned to lay underneath him "just in case". Well again in my sleepiness and blind eyes, I couldn't find it so I just laid down and tried to sleep again. Well... not 10 minutes later... a complete repeat sequence of the above. The poor little guy was shaking so bad. I felt so bad for him.
I got us both back to sleep again around 5 and he ended up sleeping the rest of the night. I got up and called into work and said I cannot come in until later, no sleep, lots of wash to do, sick kid... doesn't make going to work possible.
Well, Carson woke up at about 8am and he seemed fine. I gave him some plain toast and some vernors and no problem at all there. So I decided around 10 that I would take him to daycare and then I ran back home to take care of everything around here. How does 1 kid produce 5 loads of laundry?! (all within 2 hours!)
He was happy to get to day care... and I got things cleaned up around here. I just couldn't bear the thought of coming home to all that mess and letting it set all day. So the wash is well on its way! So now im going to get ready and head into work. Fun times once again! Im SO tired! Oh the joys of motherhood!
The pictures are the ones I promised from Monday. Carson was eating salad and had french dressing on it and then the one with him in the towel is where he had the reaction around his mouth. It not that easy to see on here, but gives you an idea.
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