Thursday, November 8, 2007

A blog a day...

keeps my mind at ease! LOl Ok I was trying to be clever there and nothing good came out of that! Ah well!

Had an awesome afternoon. I got to spend my afternoon off with my little wubber (aka Kenedey). We left Carson at daycare for the afternoon when I got out of work. I don't like to pick him up right after I get out of work because that is his naptime and I would feel bad if we woke up all the kids. So we let him have his nap and we went to run some errands and have girl time in Adrian. We went out to lunch at Frickers and I treated myself to a salad... whoo hoo! The life of a dieting girl! Hey at least I can chew it! LOL

Then we left there and headed over to Kohl's, Kenedey's favorite place to shop! She is like a mad woman in that store. I think she would buy everything she liked if I would let her!

I almost forgot to mention the most important part of the day. We had parent teacher conferences today. Kenedey is doing GREAT in school! According to her teacher the only class she really needs to work on is Math. I am terrible at Math so Jason will be helping her with that! All she suggested is that we just check her Math homework because it is so easy to make one small mistake and the whole thing be incorrect. So we will be doing that! I am so proud of our girl!!!

She is doing a great job of getting serious about working on her reading. She has a couple of books going right now. We are reading "Marley a Dog like no other", it's the kids version of Marley and Me. Apparently it is on the AR (acclerated reader) list and school and she tells me it's worth 6 points. That's pretty big time!!!

So glad tomorrow is Fri. This week absolutely flew by! Yeah!!!