Friday, November 30, 2007

I can't believe I did it!

I followed through on a whole month of posting!!!

Not any major highlights from today; just some random thoughts:

-Carson has been really whiny... well we went out to dinner tonight and the waitress noticed when he tipped his head back that he has some new teeth coming in... the "fang teeth" as Kenedey calls them. Ouch!
-Major plans this weekend to get the tree up, outside decor done, burn all of my pictures about this computer, get christmas cards addressed, clean house, the usual 10 loads of laundry. No im not exaggerating.
-We got our countdown ready for the 25 days until Christmas! Kenedey has Taylor Hutchinson over and they had an absoulte blast doing it. They have big plans to stay up ALL night long tonight. Should be interesting to see how late they actually make it! I took them to the gas station so they could get candy and pop! Special treat! They are cute! They are watching Lizzie McGuire on Disney right now!
-I also want to go through Carson's toy box tomorrow and GET RID of a bunch of stuff! Gotta make room for the upcoming stuff!
-Accomplish some Christmas shopping now that my list is well underway!

Lastly thank you to all of you for all the nice comments/emails you have sent me this month encouraging me to make it through the whole month! It's been so tough some days to force myself, but ultimately I have enjoyed it!

Sianara NaBloPoMo!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!!!

Here is me, Jessica, Lauren, & Kenedey as elves!!!

Here is me and my kiddos!

And last but NOT least... the kiddos!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sorry for the lameo post last night

I have to admit it was a bit of a cop out. I had so much to do and so little time.

I have been particulary stressed out lately. I am not sure if it's the approaching holidays, if I just need a vacation, feeling "too busy", depression, the weather, life, a cranky 18 month old, a 10 year old with all kinds of school demands and not enough time to feel like im helping her. Probably all of the above.

I stayed up until 12 am the past 3 nights trying to accomplish things around here. You would think giving myself those few extra hours everyday would help me get caught up... Not so!

I did get a lot done last night, but then.... I wake up to the sound of a 18 month old choking??? or is that vomiting??? I had not been sleeping well between 12am and 3am because when I went to bed I put Carson in bed with me because he had sat up in his sleep and hit his head on the side of his crib. He settled right in and fell back asleep, but then as I said at 3am I hear "that noise". He had thrown up all over the pillow so it was in his hair, all over his clothes, all over the sheets, etc. I got him up really quickly he proceeded to throw up all over me and then the big rug next to the bed. (I guess that's better than the carpet). I took him into the bathroom puking all the way there and put him in the tub and undressed him and then bathed him. I got him out and went to lay him on the couch. I changed the sheets and cleaned everything up. All while I cannot find my glasses in my sleepiness and I am BLIND without them!

I got that all finished up and then Carson and I went back to bed. I kept him with me for fear he would vomit again and I wouldn't hear him. I brought a towel in with us that I had planned to lay underneath him "just in case". Well again in my sleepiness and blind eyes, I couldn't find it so I just laid down and tried to sleep again. Well... not 10 minutes later... a complete repeat sequence of the above. The poor little guy was shaking so bad. I felt so bad for him.

I got us both back to sleep again around 5 and he ended up sleeping the rest of the night. I got up and called into work and said I cannot come in until later, no sleep, lots of wash to do, sick kid... doesn't make going to work possible.

Well, Carson woke up at about 8am and he seemed fine. I gave him some plain toast and some vernors and no problem at all there. So I decided around 10 that I would take him to daycare and then I ran back home to take care of everything around here. How does 1 kid produce 5 loads of laundry?! (all within 2 hours!)

He was happy to get to day care... and I got things cleaned up around here. I just couldn't bear the thought of coming home to all that mess and letting it set all day. So the wash is well on its way! So now im going to get ready and head into work. Fun times once again! Im SO tired! Oh the joys of motherhood!

The pictures are the ones I promised from Monday. Carson was eating salad and had french dressing on it and then the one with him in the towel is where he had the reaction around his mouth. It not that easy to see on here, but gives you an idea.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Beautiful Story Well Worth Reading...

A lesson in love

Carl was a quiet man. He didn't talk much. He would always greet you with a big smile and a firm handshake. Even after living in our neighborhood for over 50 years, no one could really say they knew him very well. Before his retirement, he took the bus to work each morning. The lone sight of him walking down the street often worried us. He had a slight limp from a bullet wound received in WWII. Watching him, we worried that although he had survived WWII, he may not make it through our changing uptown neighborhood with its ever-increasing random violence, gangs, and drug activity. When he saw the flyer at our local church asking for volunteers for caring for the gardens behind the minister's residence, he responded in hi s characteristically unassuming manner. Without fanfare, he just signed up. He was well into his 87th year when the very thing we had always feared finally happened. He was just finishing his watering for the day when three gang members approached him. Ignoring their attempt to intimidate him, he simply asked, "Would you like a drink from the hose?" The tallest and toughest-looking of the three said, "Yeah, sure," with a malevolent little smile. As Carl offered the hose to him, the other two grabbed Carl's arm, throwing him down. As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing everything in its way, Carl's assailants stole his retirement watch and his wallet, and then fled. Carl tried to get himself up, but he had been thrown down on his bad leg. He lay there trying to gather himself as the minister came running to help him. Although the minister had witnessed the attack from his window, he couldn't get there fast enough to stop it. "Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?" the minister kept asking as he helped Carl to his feet. Carl just passed a hand over his brow and sighed, shaking his head "Just some punk kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday." His wet clothes clung to his slight frame as he bent to pick up the hose. He adjusted the nozzle again and started to water. Confused and a little concerned, the minister asked, "Carl, what are you doing?" "I've got to finish my watering. It's been very dry lately," came the calm reply. Satisfying himself that Carl really was all right, the minister could only marvel. Carl was a man from a different time and place. A few weeks later the three returned. Just as before their threat was unchallenged. Carl again offered them a drink from his hose. This time they didn't rob him. They wrenched the hose from his hand and drenched him head to foot in the icy water. When they had finished their humiliation of him, they sauntered off down the street, throwing catcalls and curses, falling over one another laughing at the hilarity of what they had just done. Carl just watched them. Then he turned toward the warmth giving sun, picked up his hose, and went on with his watering. The summer was quickly fading into fall, Carl was doing some tilling when he was startled by the sudden approach of someone behind him. He stumbled and fell into some evergreen branches. As he struggled to regain his footing, he turned to see the tall leader of his summer tormentors reaching down for him. He braced himself for the expected attack. "Don't worry old man, I'm not gonna hurt you this time." The young man spoke softly, still offering the tattooed and scarred hand to Carl. As he helped Carl get up, the man pulled a crumpled bag from his pocket and handed it to Carl. "What's this?" Carl asked. "It's your stuff," the man explained. "It's your stuff back. Even the money in your wallet." "I don't understand," Carl said. "Why would you help me now?" The man shifted his feet, seeming embarrassed and ill at ease. "I learned something from you," he said. "I ran with that gang and hurt people like you. We picked you because you were old and we knew we could do it. But every time we came and did something to you, instead of yelling and fighting back, you tried to give us a drink. You didn't hate us for hating you. You kept showing love against our hate." He stopped for a moment. "I couldn't sleep after we stole your stuff, so here it is back." He paused for another awkward moment, not knowing what more there was to say. "That bag's my way of saying thanks for straightening me out, I guess." And with that, he walked off down the street. Carl looked down at the sack in his hands and gingerly opened it. He took out his retirement watch and put it back on his wrist. Opening his wallet, he checked for his wedding photo. He gazed for a moment at the young bride that still smiled back at him from all those years ago. He died one cold day after Christmas that winter. Many people attended his funeral in spite of the weather. In particular the minister noticed a tall young man that he didn't know sitting quietly in a distant corner of the church. The minister spoke of Carl's garden as a lesson in life. In a voice made thick with unshed tears, he said, "Do your best and make your garden as beautiful as you can. We will never forget Carl and his garden." The following spring another flyer went up. It read: "Person needed to care for Carl's garden." The flyer went unnoticed by the busy parishioners until one day when a knock was heard at the minister's office door. Opening the door, the minister saw a pair of scarred and tattooed hands holding the flyer. "I believe this is my job, if you'll have me," the young man said. The minister recognized him as the same young man who had returned the stolen watch and wallet to Carl. He knew that Carl's kindness had turned this man's life around. As the minister handed him the keys to the garden shed, he said, "Yes, go take care of Carl's garden and honor him." The man went to work and, over the next several years, he tended the flowers and vegetables just as Carl had done. In that time, he went to college, got married, and became a prominent member of the community. But he never forgot his promise to Carl's memory and kept the garden as beautiful as he thought Carl would have kept it. One day he approached the new minister and told him that he couldn't care for the garden any longer. He explained with a shy and happy smile, "My wife just had a baby boy last night, and she's bringing him home on Saturday." "Well, congratulations!" said the minister, as he was handed the garden shed keys. "That's wonderful! What's the baby's name?" "Carl," he replied. That's the whole gospel message simply stated.

Monday, November 26, 2007


I just finished watching my fav. show and I cannot wait until its on next week!!! I just have to say... "I HATE SHE PRATT". Sorry to all of you who don't watch it for the boredom, but Jessi I know you will "get it".
Im really getting to the point where I nearly hate NaBloPoMo! I am SO ready for Nov. to be over because of it!
This week is such a busy week. So much to accomplish and yet sleep too... yeah that outta be tough! I have been up until 11:30 and 12 the past 2 nights so im hitting the bed now... it's already 11:30.
Carson had another reaction tonight to some salad dressing he was eating. He gets this odd rash around his mouth wherever certain foods touch his mouth. Some of the dressing that was on the lettuce got on his mouth and made it really red. The other few times he has had this it was from cottage cheese and yogurt. I can't figure out what is causing this. I'll post some pics of it tomorrow.
Jason was really sick tonight/today. He threw up all night long last night and got really dehydrated today. He is starting to feel better this evening. We think he may have gotten food poisoning! The one time that I am SO thankful for being on Optifast!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Kenedey & Daymian (below) showing off their "loot" from their night hanging out!

Blowing kisses!

Well it's about time I do an update on the ole boy!
He is now 18 months ALREADY!!!
How does this happen so quickly? I like that he is growing up but ugh just last week he was tiny enough to hold in my arms and now...

Where to start?

  • He LOVES to dance! Tonight he was in the living room and Kenedey was watching Cheeta Girls on TV and he was running around jumping and just a dancin'. Cutest thing all of us have seen in awhile!
  • He is really increasing his vocabulary all the time. His annuciation isn't the greatest, but it's getting better by the day. Tonight I was taking pictures of him in the bathtub and I said "Peek a Boo" he shot back with, "pete a bo" He has never even attempted that one!
  • He says the word... SHOE all the TIME!!! He likes to put his shoes on and go bye bye, but as soon as he gets in his carseat, the sock and shoes are off and he has to tell me "shoe".
  • He LOVES to eat blueberry waffles in the morning and smoky links. He's not big on meat at dinner, but will eat just about anything IF you put ketchup on it. Last week I made roasted chicken and noodles and he didn't seem to like it... until, I put ketchup on the side so he could dip both the noodles and the chicken!
  • If something happens to Kenedey that makes her cry... like him beating her up, he will hug her and kiss her and pat her back (very hard) to make her "feel better"! She has been known to fake cry just to get that reaction out of him!
  • He still loves to watch Stuart Little, but has also added a little people video to his favs. He will let us know for sure which one he wants to watch.
  • He takes about a 2-3 hour nap everyday. He wakes up around 7 or 7:30 depending on when I have to leave for work and goes to bed at 8:30. He still only has 3 teeth on the bottom front row of teeth... what's up with that...?
  • He LOVES to take a bath. He occasionally gets 2 a day... ketchup is messy!

  • His favorite toys are blocks (the duplo type) and a little people bus that sings a song everyone in this house can recite in an instant! His favorite book is still "DOG".
  • He now calls his cup... juuu... It bugs all of us. It's a cup and it doesn't ALWAYS have juuu. Try MILK or WATER... but juuu?
  • He really likes to go to daycare! We have a little routine in the morning, we drop off Kenedey and he tells her "BYE" (loudly I might add) then I take him to daycare. We get out of the car and watch the big trucks go by in front of the church! (its off a highway). Then I say, "do you want to go see your friends?" Then I tickle him and make him giggle and we walk in sign him in and say hi to all his "friends". Usually when we get there they are serving breakfast. Usually he just waves bye to me and blows me a kiss! Occasionally he cries, but it only last .02 seconds and then someone picks him up and he lays his head on her shoulder and it's over. I think he just likes to butter them up. It's not uncommon for one of us to go pick him up and one of the "teachers" is rocking him or carrying him around. SPOILED... what about all the other girls?! He likes the babies at daycare and loves them a little too much his teachers tell me! He's very nice to them, but wants to kiss them and hug them ALL. THE. TIME!
  • Favorite songs he sings along to are: head, shoulders, knees and toes... ABC's (the normal version) and ABC (choo choo soul version) he says the mmmm mmm spot too! He dances to Soulja Boy with his sister and he pretty much tries to sing along... Thanks Kenedey!
  • Lastly, this week, he has started to come to me when he "poops" in his diaper and will say..."poop". He has been watching dad pee and the other night he decided he would lift his shirt and stand next to the toilet! Too bad he had a diaper on.. it might have been funny to see what he did. I think he will be getting a potty chair to at least introduce it within the next week or so!

So that about sums up our little guy at this age!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Coming soon to a blog near you!!


I stopped by Best Buy on my way home tonight to pick up a new battery charger for my camera. I have been seriously sad about it since it has been dead. I feel like I have been so out of place w/o it. It is busily charging over in the corner and you can bet that as soon as its ready I will begin snapping pics again!!!

We had "Thanksgiving" today with Jasons family. I like going there, I am so comfortable with all of them and it's fun to see the kids having so much fun together. It reminds me of the fun I had with my cousins growing up. I hope they stay close forever. The really are lucky to have each other. Jason's grandma has a new "friend". She is 81 and her husband died a little over a year ago. He is about 6 years younger than her. I think they enjoy each others company. I sat and talked with him for a long time. I mentioned that I needed to go to Best Buy when I left there and they were asking me for what and I said my camera. Well, apparently he used to dabble a bit in photography when he was in the military so he told me ALL about that. He said that he has 2 roommates and one of them retired from the railroad. While he was still working he found a really nice SLR that someone had left on the train. The guy turned it in to the railroad and no one ever claimed it. So when he retired, they gave it to him. Well, it's a digital SLR and apparently they JUST learned how to turn it on! LOL I asked him if it looked anything like mine and he said, yeah but its bigger. It probably something pretty major!!! He said next time we get together he would bring it so I could take a look at it. I hope he does, im pretty interested!

Well, im off to read the new parenting magazine and relax a little more! Watch for pics!

Friday, November 23, 2007


That kid wears me OUT! I worked all day today, then came home tonight to hang out just mommy and Carson. Kenedey stayed in Grand Rapids to spend some time with my aunt and Jason went to spend some time at the Reul's. I seriously think that my child CANNOT hold still for more than .05 seconds. From the time I walked in the door until Jason walked in the door (5 hours) he was jumping on me, blowing strawberries on my belly, reading books with me, spinning in cirlces, taking bath, eating dinner... the list could go on for merely an hour! Usually everyone is here and he kind of takes his turn"spending time" with one of us at a time!

I am extremely exhausted today and I really hoped to come home to a relaxing evening! Not so much!! Oh well, he is a lot of fun! I am off to do some relaxing now!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Taking a break

Today is my 28th bday. I was actually born on Thanksgiving and because my bday is the 22nd it very infrequently falls on Thanksgiving. I think its kind of fun to hear my family tell me the story of what their Thanksgiving was 28 years ago! It really didn't feel like my bday though. I know it probably sounds weird, but I hate not being with my mom on my bday. Is that weird? I seriously cried twice today just thinking about it. Well mom, thank you for giving me life! You are THE BEST MOM EVER and I love you SO much! I miss you and can't wait to see you soon.

So, since it is my bday, my gift to myself is... a pretty much empty blog posting for this evening. Thank you to everyone for all the phone calls and emails cards and all that good stuff. I sincerely appreciate it. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and the people you got to be with. That's really what it's all about.

We have one more Thanksgiving with Jason's family on Sat. I was driving home from Grand Rapids tonight and I was thinking about all the things in my life I am so thankful for. Of course the obvious family, friends, health, my incredible children, and more than I can list. I try my hardest to not take any of that listed above for granted. All of you mean so much to me.

I drove past Carson's daycare and then Kenedey's school and I couldn't help but be SO thankful that we are so.... (I don't know what to call it other than lucky/blessed)... to have such great people to teach/care for our children when we are away at work with them. I have said it before and ill say it again. I would not make a great stay at home mom... I need a schedule and I need to leave the house to start my day to feel good about it. I give the utmost respect to mom's who do stay home with their children. That is BY FAR the most challenging job from my perspective, in the entire world. But, I feel incredibly lucky/blessed that the daycare we have chosen for Carson (very intentionally by the way, there's that word again!) that they care so much for him and when I drive by the church where the daycare goes I have such a sense of peace that I never worry that he will miss out on a thing there. I like that they truly take into account the kids spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, educational needs into account everyday. It is by far the "perfect" place for HIM. And... Onsted Schools all of those who work there/volunteer there to help us as parents make such secure, stable, and educated children. I am so thankful to all of you who play such a large part in our children's future and are right beside us all the way. Thank you for all you do. I think sometimes the magnitude of what you do for our kids is sometimes "downplayed" because you get paid. Trust me it isn't enough!!! That's what I am SO thankful for this year!

Happy Thanksgiving 2007!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So this is SERIOUS dedication to blogging for a whole month. I am up at my aunt's in Grand Rapids for Thanksgiving. We are just staying for the night and then after dinner tomorrow we have to go home because dang it we have to work on Friday.

I am so low on pictures because I have misplaced my charger for my battery. Hopefully I can find that ASAP. It's one of those brain fart times where I just have no clue what I did with it.

I need to ask for prayers for a friend of mine who is going through some very tough times with her son. For those of you who pray, if you would, please lift her and her family up in prayer over the next few days.

I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your families and friends. Eat lots of turkey and take a nap!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here is the promised post from yesterday...I found it!

What's a good mother?

This is for all the mothers who didn't win Mother of the Year. All the runners-up all and all the wannabes. The mothers too tired to enter or too busy to bother.

This is for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal bleachers at soccer games Friday night insted of watching from cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see my goal?" they could say, "Of course, wouldn't have missed it for the world," and mean it.

This is for all the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid, saying, "It's OK, honey, Mommy's here."

This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and made them homes. For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who don't.

What makes a good mother, anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, fry a chicken and sew a button all at the same time? Or is it heart? Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the first time? The jolt that take you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 a.m. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby? The need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a school shooting, a fire, a car accident, a baby dying? I think so.

So, this is for all the mothers who sat down, with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't. This is for reading "Goodnight Moon" twice a night for a year. And then reading it again, "Just one more time."

This is for all the mothers who mess up. Who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired 2-year-old who wants ice cream before dinner.

This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoes before they started preschool. And for all the mothers who chose Velcro instead. For all the mothers who bite their lips when their 14-year-olds dye their hair green. Who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and won't stop.

This is for mothers who show up at work with spitup in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purses.

This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot.

This is for all the mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a croud, even though they know their own offspring are at home.

This is for the mothers who put pinwheelsand teddy bears on their children's graves. This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them.

This is for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation. And mature mothers learning to let go. For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Single mothers and married mothers. Mothers with money, mothers without.

This is for you all. So hang in there. And better luck next year, I'll be rooting for you.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Today I picked up a really neat article that I was going to share on my blog tonight, but for some reason I can't find what I did with it so I will have to save that for tomorrow. I will also try to take some new pictures for tomorrow. Sorry I have a serious lack of pics going on here.

Anyway, I thought I would use this post to tell some of you how to leave a comment. I have a lot of visitors daily, but rarely do I get comments. I get emails from a lot of you, so I just thought it would be helpful to tell you how to leave one here if you choose to do so. Below each post you will see where it says comments. I don't mind if you would rather send an email or whatever is easiest, but I know some of you have mentioned to me that you didnt know how to leave a comment. Just click on the link where it says: "0 comments" and then it will give you a place to type, after that you can enter your information so that I know who the comment is from. Just a little education for those of you new to blogging! (Mom, Connie, Angie, Grammy, Lindsey, Jessi)

I am reading my new book and throughly enjoying it. I had a couple in today at work who are patients and I have gotten to know them pretty well. (Jessi you know who these people are, they say im their "angel") Well today we were talking about my upcoming bday on Thanksgiving. They asked how old I was going to be and I said 28. She said, "oh to be 28 again". I said oh yeah! She said well my kids were young when I was that age. It was a good times. I couldn't help but think back to my book im reading and I said, you know... it's interesting to me that you say that because like now life feels so challenging sometimes, I am spread so thin with all the demands of "life" and basically the first few chapters of this book im reading talk about how to just be real with how life "really" is. It REALLY is challenging. It's HARD work raising a family. Yet, this couple who has grown children looking back say that those were the good times. Those days were wonderful. Ugh! Am I missing something?! I thought that when you were older and your kids have gone and had families on their own. You had time to yourself and just enjoy each other and yadda yadda yadda! Now here they are telling me that it's just the opposite of that! IM. CONFUSED.!!!!

Well, I explained to them that I am reading this book and it has kind of shown me how much work what "we" as young moms are doing is so much work and is so tough. It's not a bad thing, yet just in my face how much "we" give of ourselves everyday. I just found the conversation I had with them and the generation gap interesting to see the perspectives! I guess that just tells me again how we really need to live in the moment and enjoy where we are at that moment! Hope this post makes sense! It's a tough concept to explain. Please tell me if this makes any sense to any of you and what you make of it. I know my readers are from all age ranges so I think it would be interesting to see what all of you make of this... come on try it out... post a comment!

Just some random old pictures to perk up the blog with some pics!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ahhh. Sunday

I love Sunday's. I am sitting her at 10pm watching the American Music Awards. There are some serious performers on here tonight. I think so far my fav was Chris Brown's performance. The song is just OK, but wow can the brotha dance! LOL I have decided I HAVE to have Alicia Keyes CD for my Bday. I just think she is super talented. I also throughly enjoyed Rhianna... girl can sing!

I usually don't get into award show's too much, but this is one I seriously enjoy. So today, I got up and headed out to Meijer's to pick up some random things and also get craft stuff for the kids to do for Thanksgiving. The kids made these today. I actually thought they were cool because even Lauren and Carson could join in. I think its tough to sometimes find things for them when they are this size, but it was pretty cute how they turned out. Ill try to take a pic later. I didn't take my camera this weekend, wish I had because Jessi made a gingerbread house with the kids too.

I bought the stuff to make this too for Turkey Day. Gotta find some time to fit it in before Thurs. I am looking forward to having the day off. I usually only work 1/2 day on Thurs. but I get paid vacation day so that will be cool to get paid for a whole Thursday. I am SO due for a REAL vacation. Can't wait for Christmas to come!!! A REAL break!!!

I got a lot of things on my list from Friday done. Go me!! Jessica tells me that I said in it that im really not a list person. Apparently I am and I didn't realize it. She says I have been making lists since I was like in 9th grade. After I thought about it, I think she is right. I get such a sense of accomplishment when I can check things of my "lists".

I think Kenedey and I are going to try to make these for Turkey day with Jason's family. I'll let you know how it turns out!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Just call us Martha and Betty.... er.... Cruiella and Ursula

So my day started off and I was THAT mom.

I had to work this morning so my plans WERE to drop my kids off at Jessi's and then head to work. We were just about ready to leave the house and I get ready to walk out the door and suddenly my keys are MIA. I start my search because I had seen Carson with them just a few minutes prior. They MUST be near by. I spend about 5 minutes looking for them and then I go ask Kenedey who is out in the "foyer" occupying Carson so I could get all of our stuff out in one trip. She comes in and starts to help me look. Carson meanwhile is out there playing with the neighbors.

We spend ANOTHER 5 minuteslooking for keys. EVERYWHERE. After about 15 minutes begin FREAKING out. I am crying saying... Im going to lose my job :-( Where in the H could that kid have put my friggin keyes. I am screaming and hollaring, "what am I going to do?" I begin kicking things out of my way in the living room. Keep in mind my meek little Ken is still trying to help me find my keys. I kick the footstool in the living room across the room. Scream a little more... act like a COMPLETE. AND. TOTAL. IDIOT. and then pick up the soccer ball I find in the living room and chuck that as hard as I can at the wall. Can you tell im PISSED by this point? Jessi calls to find out where I am, I cry and yell at her on the phone and hang up so I can continue my search... er...rampage.

After a total of 25 minutes Kenedey finds the keys... in MY room. She saves the day!!!! My hero!!!

We run/SPRINT to the car throw everything in and hit the road. Jessi calls and I am still so upset that I can't even talk yet. I FLEW to Jackson and still was 7 minutes late to work. Ugh. I had both kids in tow. I put 2 patients in for the doctor and then go let my kids out of the car. Kenedey said she would watch Carson while I worked, so I took her up on the offer. I apologized all the way to work to Ken for her having to see my tantrum. I just LOST IT.

Jes came and saved the day by picking up Carson and Ken went with her too. My work morning wasn't bad at all. Got out of there and went to have my oil changed and then to Jessi's to meet them at her place. I owed her BIG time so I swept and mopped her kitchen floor and cleaned her kitchen for her. Seriously its the least I could do. I still owe Kenedey. I think I will surprise her with a girls afternoon on Thursday.

So we watched a really cute show today called License to Wed. Very Very cute. I knocked a few things off my to do list from last night. This evening I made Lasagna at Jessi's house. Jason went to watch the Ohio State/Mich game instead of hunting and then he is just going to stay in Jackson at his cousins house because he has to work AGAIN for the 7th day in a row. He has Thurs off for Thanksgiving and then back to work for like the next 10 days. His work is super busy. We feel really blessed that he has so much work right now and such a good job that it's tough to complain, so we don't!

Tonight while making Lasagna, Jessi decided it would be a great idea to do a gingerbread house with the kids. So here we are INSANE as heck both of us trying to do projects and care for 4 children who are hungry and therefore cranky. So we start complaining and singing about how much we wish we were alone! Then we get that all finished and sit down and decide to have a chat about how much we love kids and would be so miserable without them... Can you say BIPOLAR?!

Friday, November 16, 2007


I am not a list person, but im finding myself overwhelmed and I want that feeling to go away! So here is my attempt to make a list of all that I NEED to accomplish this weekend. Keep in mind I didn't say WANT to accomplish!

  • Start my new book. ( I was a really good mom before I had kids)
  • Work for 2 stupid hours tomorrow morning.
  • Start making a list for Christmas gifts.
  • Be sure that I have everything in place for going to Grand Rapids for Thanksgiving.
  • Finish the other 4 loads of laundry (I have already done 4)
  • Clean house
  • Decide what I want to do with Christmas cards that I plan to send out
  • Make a list of who I want to send Christmas cards to
  • Put in 2 orders for photos I want
  • Spend time with Jessica and family and continue to support her while she is working on new discipline with kids!
  • Entertain my children since my husband will be working an extra 8 hours tomorrow and then hunting afterwards. (Im not bitter!)
  • Go to Michael's and get stuff I need to pick up for holiday stuff
  • Let Kenedey have a friend over
  • Work on reading Marley & me w. Kenedey
  • Help Kenedey clean out her drawers (they are getting tight with all her winter stuff)
  • Make a header for friends blog
  • Find a few minutes to relax and hopefully take a little nap
  • Visit with our old babysitter
  • Make car payment

Ok im sure im leaving a bunch of stuff out but hey at least its a start. I'll let you know what I am able to accomplish! I NEED lots of luck! LOL

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Im taking the easy way out. Sorry, but Carson is having a rough night. Im not sure if maybe the Decadron has worn off and that's making him feel bad again, or if it's just one of those days. He has been whiny, difficult to console, and only me to stand when I am holding him. Ugh.

So here's a cute little deal that my aunt sent me through email. Thought I would share it with all of you: Enjoy... Hopefully my blog post will be better tomorrow! GOODNIGHT~


Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for six weeks.

Each kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes.

There is no fast food.

Each man must take care of his 3 kids; keep his assigned house clean, correct all homework, complete science projects, cook, do laundry, and pay a list of 'pretend' bills with not enough money.

In addition, each man will have to budget in money for groceries each week.

Each man must remember the birthdays of all their friends and relatives, and send cards out on time.

Each man must also take each child to a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment and a haircut appointment. He must make one unscheduled and inconvenient visit per child to the Urgent Care (weekend, evening, on a holiday or right when they're about to leave for vacation).

He must also make cookies or cupcakes for a social function.

Each man will be responsible for decorating his own assigned house, planting flowers outside and keeping it presentable at all times.

The men will only have access to television when the kids are asleep and all chores are done.

Each father will be required to know all of the words to every stupid song that comes on TV and the name of each and every character on cartoons.

Each man will have to make an Indian hut model with six toothpicks, a tortilla and one marker; and get a 4 year old to eat a serving of peas.

Each man must adorn himself with jewelry, wear uncomfortable yet stylish shoes, keep their nails polished and eyebrows groomed. The men must try to get through each day without snot, spit-up or barf on their clothing.

During one of the six weeks, the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps, back aches, and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain or slow down from other duties. They must try to explain what a tampon is for when the 6 year old boy finds it in the purse.

They must attend weekly school meetings, church, and find time at least once to spend the afternoon at the park or a similar setting.

He will need to read a book to the children each night without falling asleep, and then feed them, dress them, brush their teeth and comb their hair each morning by 7:00. They must leave the home with no food on their face or clothes.

A test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required to know all of the following information: each child's birthday, height, weight, shoe size, clothes size and doctor's name. Also the child's weight at birth, length, time of birth, and length of labor, each child's favorite color, middle name, favorite snack, favorite song, favorite drink, favorite toy, biggest fear and what they want to be when they grow up.

They must clean up after their sick children at 2:00 am and then spend the remainder of the day tending to that child and waiting on them hand and foot until they are

They must have a loving, age appropriate reply to, 'You're not the boss of me'.

The kids vote them off the island based on performance. The last man wins only if... he still has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's notice.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Topic of the day

Well tonight's topic, I have a few things on my mind. I have been thinking because last night Carson's daycare director Sarah and I were talking about children's brains at the age between 18 mons and 3 years. Something I didn't know and she enlightened me, between those age groups a childs brain has more synapses than adults. So go figure why im at such a loss so often with this strong willed child of mine! No seriously, he has been doing MUCH better lately. I haven't had had any moments where I feel like pulling my hair out or at a loss for what to do, but I think it's because he is communicating better. I think he gets frustrated because he can't use words, but it's like he understands them and can do what we are saying. I bet that would be frustrating. Apparently his synapses haven't caught up with his forming words yet.

So my thought's are, just like most parents I am trying to work on different routines/words with Carson at this point. He just turned 18 months, so we are certainly on that track.

It's kind of frustrating to read to him because when you do, he doesn't really want to listen. He has gotten better about sitting there, especially if we sit on my bed or Kenedey's bed and he looks at a different book. Kenedey and I both spend a lot of time reading to him, but when he sits there with us, I often wonder if he has any clue that we are trying to read certain books to him. Do any of you out there reading have kids that do this? I try not to let it discourage me because I do remember Kenedey doing this also. Maybe it's an independence thing.

My cousin's son has recently started preschool this year. She just had her 1st parent teacher conference and it was a challenge for her. She has one of those strong willed, energetic children. I think so much of what I do with my kids I just do because I think it is right or it comes naturally, but watching her son go through some of the things that are required in preschool, just simple social skills, I want to make a concious effort with Carson while he is so young to set some of those things in place, rather than just assuming what we are doing is right. I want to be a bit more intentional in what we are teaching him. (hmm again going back to the same Dr. Carlson intentional life thing!

Anyway, those are just my thoughts' for today! Tomorrow is my half day! I made it past the worst part of the week.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why is it...

That all day long when im not at my computer that I can come up with great blogging topics and think about 30 times a day... oh I should blog about that... oh that would be fun to blog about.... and then I sit down to do it and I hit a friggin wall. Just blank...

So, I bought a new CD the other day and I highly recommened it if you like her: Carrie Underwood. Her new CD Carnival Ride is great. So far I like pretty much most songs. My fav is number 4, which is called Just a Dream. It's really sad, it made me teary eyed the first time I heard it!

So since I am so excited for Christmas I thought I would bring up the topic of Christmas traditions. Do any of you have any favorite unusual traditions that you enjoyed either growing up or with your own families now?

I had a lot of Christmas's every year when I was growing up because my parents were divorced and because many of my grandparents were also divorced... so seriously I had probably 10-12 each year. I didn't really enjoy Christmas the older I got because I often felt so wide spread. Also, when Kenedey was really small we always tried to cram getting down to Florida in as fast as we could so we had more time to be there. Now our "rule" is that we have to stay home on Christmas day. That way our kids can play with their toys and just hang out all day! I love this tradition. It really makes me look forward to the actual day. We don't have any "true believers" this year. Carson is too small to believe, and Kenedey caught on last year. Nonetheless it should be super fun. I also get my kids new jammies on Christmas eve that they can wear when we have left my Grandparents Christmas and they get to open them the day before we got to Christmas. New cozy jammies... ahh!

Well I think it's about time to change the look of my page so im off to do that. BTW... Carson is feeling much better today. He only took about an hour nap at daycare today. The director was gone last week, but this week she is back and he was super happy to see her this morning!

I love that daycare SO much. Sarah (the director) had gone to a conference last week and came back all excited and renewed, she has some great new things happening and ideas that she is going to work on implementing. I feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful place where I feel so comfortable leaving my child with such great people. They do a wonderful job of addressing every aspect of children's development; (spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, motor skills, etc.). So here's a big thank you to His Kids Daycare. Thank you for all you do! We sincerely appreciate it and we don't tell you enough!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Brother for sale...

only 50 cents....

So Carson has been really sick today. He woke up this am with a bark like cough, fever, green snot, lethargic... just plain yuck...

I called work after I was all ready to go and told them that if I took Carson to daycare they would be calling me in 5 minutes. So, I took him into work to have Dr. R look at him and he did a chest xray and gave him a breathing treatment. He said his chest xray was worse than he expected it to look so he gave him a shot of Decadron, a long acting steriod, and two antibiotcs. Carson fell back to sleep at about 10am in the car and then took a real nap at about 12:30 and slept until about 3:30. Now that is all fine and dandy... but here is why he is now for sale!

He ate a good dinner and then he was wound up more than I have EVER seen him. He is usually a pretty busy guy, but he couldn't hold still for .4 seconds. He was running all over the house, dumping toys, climbing between my legs, jumping on my stomach, doing summersaults over my legs and off the couch, standing on the table marching, beating up Kenedey to the point of making her cry, and more which im certain I have now forgotten. Well his bed time rolled around and I thought Ok, we have to get him settled down, so we did his usual ritual, read a book, turned out all the lights, told everyone goodnight, got a drink then tried to put him in bed. Yeah he stood there and screamed for awhile... not too much like him. He cries when we put him down occasionally, but not for long, well after about 10 mins I thought well im going in there I can't take it anymore. He had thrown up in his bed. Gross, poor little guy. I got him out and bathed him again. Kenedey went to put a diaper on him while I stripped his bed and I hear... "mom he's puking again". Sure enough. Once again we cleaned him up and then he was fine. He was back in full force crazy mood gear x3 again. And it didn't stop until about 9:45 and I decided that since all my calming tactics around the house weren't working that I would try to rock him. They rock him all the time at daycare. So I figured maybe that would work. Yeah he let me rock him all right... he could push his legs against the chair to make me rock the chair harder/faster. So that became a fun game! I decided that his Bactrim that I gave him before I put him in bed the first time is probably what caused him to vomit. So I felt confident that it was safe to try to lay him down again. This time I put on a video for him in hopes of keeping him still in his bed rather than wound up crying and jumping causing the vomit to fly again. Well it finally worked!!! It was about 10:15 by the time that kid finally went to bed. I am chucking all this up to the Decadron injection that he had today. Note to self: NEVER. LET. CARSON. HAVE. DECADRON. AGAIN. STERIODS. MAKE. HIM. CRAZY.

You know how it goes that God never gives you more than you can handle. Well, I think God didn't give me a kid who has endless amounts of energy because this episode has made me realize that he does have his quiet moments and moments where he entertains himself and for the most part he is a busy guy, but he is such a good little guy too. I am so thankful that most of the time he is a good little sleeper when he is on his schedule. So here's to hopes that he sleeps through the night and doesn't get up and want to party at 3am! Im worn out just from chasing his butt around trying to wear him out! I seriously considered letting him and Kenedey go run around the house. I didn't though... however, if it would have been warm and dry outside, you better bet your buns those kids would have been found outside running laps!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

OMG... I made it to my 100th post!

I have to say that NaBloPoMo has helped a lot. I would have never done everyday for the past 11 days. I am determined not to let myself down. I WILL see this though! So I guess this is like a big ole' celebration for me making it to 100 posts!!! I cannot believe it! I truly enjoy doing my blog. I love it that it helps me stay in touch with people out of state that I don't get a chance to call all the time and for that matter it helps me keep up with family that's near that I don't get a chance to see much.

So this weekend ended busy. We got all 9 grandkids together today for pictures for grandparents for Christmas. That about killed me. I had no idea it would be as much work as it was. I knew it would be tough, but I was whipped afterwards. Jessi and I had plans to take some cute pictures of our 4 kids afterwards, but it wasn't much fun because we were like so over it.

Back at it tomorrow... onto another week. It's a good think I like the work I do at my job, or I would seriously just hate the upcoming week. I only have 6 weeks until vacation! I cannot wait. I am so excited (mom)! I know my mom is too! LOL We were on the same wave length this past week. I was talking about my vacation that was coming up and while I was having the conversation she called to ask a question about vacation!!

Here is the promised Mohawk picture I promised yesterday! What do you guys think? I actually like it more that I thought I would. I think it's cute! All he needs now is a guitar and some leather and some sweet chains on his clothes and he is stright up punk rock!

Lastly, this is what Jessica does to my kid when she babysits him. He looks like he's had chemo or something that made him loose his hair and he looks like a girl. Thanks a lot jess. Oh and a nice shirt he's got on there... "those are some sweet stains!" Now Grammy that's what I call Liebee kid! LOL

And here is Laurne dressed up. She loves to wear this around the house! I was trying to get a picture of her hair too for Connie to see! She's hilarious seeing her walk around all dressed up and she has to have her high heels too!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Ugh... I had some fun pictures to post tonight, but I must have left my cable cord to the computer at Jessi's and I have no idea what I have done with my other card adapters. Sorry :-( I guess I will have more pictures tomorrow to share.

So first things first... why is it that Jackson has NOT ONE super bookstore? There are several little stores, but nothing like a Barnes and Noble or a Borders. It really bugs me. I was out looking for this book today because a good friend of mine told me about it. Do you think I was able to find it??? No way. I guess I will have to order it, but that just irritates me. I don't think that it's like some hard to find thing, I mentioned it to my mom and she had even heard of it. The title sold me. I honestly don't even know what the book is about other than what I read about on Amazon, and what my friend told me, but the title cracks me up!!! I so try to be a good mom, but I think most of the time... the little things that are important to me; aka. spic and span house, clean kids, perfect clothes... all the things that were so important to me when I didn't have kids... Those things are so trivial now... I think only mom's will get what im talking about, but I could really relate to the title of the book, so it's a must have. I guess I will put it on my wish list! Good idea! Maybe I wont order it, I do have a bday coming up so maybe ill ask for that.

So remember yesterday I said that I planned to just have a relaxing weekend and just get some stuff done around the house and what not? Yeah NOT SO MUCH... Busy as usual today. Jack and Carson got their haircut this morning at the Grass Lake barber shop. We are now pretty much sold on that place. Jessi takes the boys, I think Carson just does better for someone else, and they are great in Grass Lake so it works.

Jason worked this morning and then played in a poker tournament at The Saddle Saloon today. So I didn't rush home at all. In fact, while Jessi took the boys to get their haircut, I got around and got the girls around. When she got back, I took Jack with me and we went to do some shopping. His mommy needed a break from him and I knew he could keep up with me. Yeah it was more like... could I keep up with him?! He's a busy one! We went to Joann's then to Target, the Sprint store and Meijers. Whew... busy. I was worn out after that. I was looking for outfits to take some pictures of the kids for Christmas gifts/cards etc. We are getting all 9 grandchildren together from Jason's family tomorrow and are going to take some pictures. That outta be tons of fun. We would like to do it outside, but from the weather channel looks, I think it's going to rain. So, we do have a back up plan. Just say a prayer we can get one good picture so we can get a big one for Jason's mom and step dad for a Christmas gift. It's a surprise so.... shhhhh. Oh crap I hope she doesn't read this. I don't think she ever does though.

Back on track, sorry I went off on a tangent there. So back to Target, I got some really cute outfits to match Jack & Lauren to Carson & Kenedey's outfits. Should be fun! There again wish us luck with 4 kids who could really care less to sit still for us! Ill let you know how it goes! I have some good ideas in mind, however excuting them... yeah that's another story!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Intentional Life

First up: Our Ewoks!

This is a topic I have wanted to share before, however, I have never gotten around to getting my thoughts together to do so. For starters.... The Intentional Life I got from Family Life Radio. I very infrequently get to listen to it because of the time I get out of work it's usually over. It is broadcast on a local radio station, but I sincerely enjoy listening to it when I get the chance. If you are curious check out this website: The Intentional Life

Dr. Randy Carlson does the show. Basically it's where parents or families/family members call or write in regarding topics that a lot of us encounter in life. Dr. Carlson basically gives advice, which is basically biblical, faith centered, and pretty much to the point in family situations. I am pretty much over Dr. Phil these days, I just havent been too thrilled with topics as of lately. What I like most about Dr. Carlson's show is the angle which he takes on lifes curveballs, stuggles, and even life's joys. The main idea is to do just what my topic says; To Live an Intentional Life. By that, my take on what that means is to live your life with purpose. Kind of goes back to the Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren) Certainly worth checking out if you haven't. But the show for me is awesome because he talks alot about intentional parenting and certain things/ideas you should share/do/with your kids. I like that he touches so much on the indivual child. Today someone called in about having a strong-willed child..... ugh hmmm *Carson* He mentioned that usually strong willed children have a strong willed parent. I have a feeling Carson has 2 strong willed parents! But basically he just disscussed the topic of strong will children and encouraged nuturing your child and recognizing how intellegent this specific kind of child is... generally speaking. Anyway........... my point is, if you get a chance to listen to his radio program it's really quite inspiring and also uplifting.

Jack and I snugglin on the couch. A nice Friday lay low evening. Ahhhh

We hung out with Jessi and fam tonight, I know what's new? Jason has to work in the early morning and my kids fell asleep over here, so we are just going to stay here and hang out in the morning. Tomorrow I have housework and work to do at home so we will probably just be home most of the weekend.

I got a new lens for my camera, so we played with it tonight, nothing special, just some new fun pictures of us and kids! For those of you who are wondering what I got, its just the Nikkor 55-200 with VR. So far im really likin it!!! Can't wait to try some new things!

Dont mind his lovely clean shirt!!! Just some leftover dinner for later!

Aww kisses from my sissy and a high five! The Carpenter's prevailed over the Cannons! :-)Something about this picture I liked, I think I like it because I can see my baby girl in it, that same face shape from when she was newborn. So much of the little girl is growing, but this one just shows me it's still my baby girl! Kind of cool to still see that (for me anyway) i'm probably the only one who sees it! Maybe all of you just see I took a shot of her nostrils! LOL

Thursday, November 8, 2007

A blog a day...

keeps my mind at ease! LOl Ok I was trying to be clever there and nothing good came out of that! Ah well!

Had an awesome afternoon. I got to spend my afternoon off with my little wubber (aka Kenedey). We left Carson at daycare for the afternoon when I got out of work. I don't like to pick him up right after I get out of work because that is his naptime and I would feel bad if we woke up all the kids. So we let him have his nap and we went to run some errands and have girl time in Adrian. We went out to lunch at Frickers and I treated myself to a salad... whoo hoo! The life of a dieting girl! Hey at least I can chew it! LOL

Then we left there and headed over to Kohl's, Kenedey's favorite place to shop! She is like a mad woman in that store. I think she would buy everything she liked if I would let her!

I almost forgot to mention the most important part of the day. We had parent teacher conferences today. Kenedey is doing GREAT in school! According to her teacher the only class she really needs to work on is Math. I am terrible at Math so Jason will be helping her with that! All she suggested is that we just check her Math homework because it is so easy to make one small mistake and the whole thing be incorrect. So we will be doing that! I am so proud of our girl!!!

She is doing a great job of getting serious about working on her reading. She has a couple of books going right now. We are reading "Marley a Dog like no other", it's the kids version of Marley and Me. Apparently it is on the AR (acclerated reader) list and school and she tells me it's worth 6 points. That's pretty big time!!!

So glad tomorrow is Fri. This week absolutely flew by! Yeah!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Last year of elementary school pictures!

This is Kenedey's last elementary school picture! Kind of sad, but yet so cool to watch her grow! I guess you could say it's bittersweet! As I am sure you know by now, I am so proud of my little girl. She is certainly the light of our life. We are so blessed to have such a kind, sweet, gentle, spirited girl around! Your the best kiddo! We love you!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The Guys

Jason was pretty serious about hitting his baseball! I told him he looked so mean and he said, "yeah I thought I was, I was going to hit the damn ball"

So I have been wanting to do this for awhile now. I don't have many of Ken's pics from when she was little around because they are all in my scrapbook stuff which is being stored at Jessi's right now. But just thought this would be fun! Enjoy! Ok and please for the love of God don't make
fun of my lovely haircut. I think my grandma put tape on my bangs and cut them! LOL Could that thing be classified as a mullett?

The Girls

Monday, November 5, 2007

Blogger block

and its only day 6?

Woah what was I thinking when I signed up to do NaBloPoMo? I am determined to stay on track however, tonight I no topics to blog about. I am pretty sure that everyone except my mom, is sick of hearing about my cute and wonderful children! But they are what my world revolves around so thats going to have to be the topic for today!

Tonight they were playing so funny together. Kenedey was picking Carson up and holding him upside down by his legs and shaking him saying, "Give me all your lunch money!" LOL He was cracking up then she was tricking him making him think he could go under her legs like she was a tunnel. So just when he would get to her legs she would put them together so he would bang into the front of her legs. They would laugh really hard together. Then she got the great idea to tell him to spin in circles and then call him so he would walk to her. Great sister huh?!

Jessi and her crew ended up here tonight, her power went out and the resotoration update with Consumers didn't give a time when it would be back on. It is supposed to be very cold tonight and possible snow.... ugh. M.I.C.H.I.G.A.N

All you Florida people who read my blog, I don't like you right now! I can't wait for the holidays where I am there in the warmth... right now im freezing!

Hopefully I will have more interesting blogging ideas tomorrow~!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I found this cute little quiz and thought id take it. Thought you might all enjoy also!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Why do weekends have to go so fast?

Kenedey sportin my "bling" keychain from ellen!

The prego kayla

Would you believe has only had one glass of wine in this pic?

Jessi @ Carrabba's

I am really thankful that we have DST (the time change). At least we get an extra hour over the weekend! Im beginning to feel a little resentment to how busy I am and to how quickly my children are growing. I always enjoy weekends because I can hang out with them and "just be" with them, but them Monday is here... I barely get real time with my kids and then the week just flies by.... another week gone. Ugh

Last night as I said in my post was a lot of fun. Jessi is officially 25! Carabba's was NOT good for the diet. I royally fell off the wagon. I hate it that I did that, but luckly tomorrow is Monday and time to get serious again. Guess one good reason to look foward to the week.

After Carrabba's we went shopping at Old Navy, then back to Jackson to hang out with Jason, Joe, and the Reul family. I enjoying being over there with them, we don't get to do it enough. Again... busyness. UGH! At Old Navy we picked up a new outfit for Kenedey. I am on the hunt for a great outfit to compliment Kenedey's for Christmas pictures of kids. She got this with this to go under it. Wish me luck to find a matching something.

Anyway, im glad Jessi's bday is over all she said all day is... I want this because it's my bday or I can do that because its my bday... etc.... wink ;-)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Had SO much fun tonight

But... its about 1:30am and we just got home. Jason and I are really tired, so I will post more about it tomorrow. I realize this is probably cheating regarding the daily post, but at least its something!


Friday, November 2, 2007


I am so happy it's Friday. Pretty much a crappy week at work. Sometimes I seriously hate that place. I don't want to have a complaining session on this blog so I will keep it short, however... I really don't understand why people specifically women are so catty and petty at work. Some rumors at work started this week and I was the subject of them. The most ridiculous one was that we had been kicked out of our home and didn't have a place to live. My office manager came to me and said, "Kari has your address and home phone number changed?" I said, No, why do you ask?" She said that some people were saying that about us. That is not even remotely close to any truth. We may move shortly after January and buy a house but thats about as close to anything I can even come up with. I don't understand why these things even come up or how they are fabricated. Oh well. Just stupid stuff its just too bad people dont have anything else to do with their time. If you work with someone and you are giving them a hard time for no good reason... let it go. There are so many other big problems in the world spend some time worrying about those things if you must worry about something. Although we all know worry doesn't help anything.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Im going to give it a try

Well my recent goals are to continue to follow through on things... so im challening myself to National Blog Posting Month... I guess the point is to post one post a day. I figure why not. I will also try to post a picture everyday. I didn't have as many posts last month as I usually do, so this will be good for me! I'll do my best!

Fun Halloween!

Just wanted to get a few pictures up of the kiddos from last night! We had a short evening because Weds are my late night at work, but it was fun anyway. We went to the church where Jason's mom works because every year they do a little deal where you can come and trick or treat. My mother in law puts a lot into it, so it's a good time. Carson wasn't scared at all of the masks. I was a little worried about that. He actually found one guy with a walrus mask on who he liked a lot!

Kenedey Carson and Nana Kim

Carson had a party at daycare today and they took some pictures that I hope I get to see soon! I guess that they put the pictures in a powerpoint deal and played it for the church at their halloween open house that evening. Apparently the last image of that presentation was Carson in his costume with his hands on his costume looking upset with his hands near his mouth and she said he looked like the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz... I guess they wrote on that slide, "We hope you have a roaring good Halloween" Aww our little guy is a star!

Kenedey was supposed to be a Vampiress, however... she is too cute to be something mean and ugly! She left her fangs at school so in the pictures she is minus fangs! Carson was a lion, we thought that when he would leave the hood up, he looked like an ewok! Remember those?! We painted wiskers and nose on his face, but after a bout 10 minutes he looked like a libey kid with a filthy rotten dirty face and finger nails that hadn't been cleaned for 6 months! After the church we ran over to Jason's grandma's house to visit her quickly and then headed over to the home of the doctor I work for (The Robertson's). Kenedey was a little disappointed on our way there because she didn't think she was getting enough candy. But once we got to the Robertson's her worries were quickly dimished. Terry (Dr. R's wife) hooked her up with all kinds of good loot and im not talking little treats that most give out. I think she must have gotten about 20 items from them and they were serious candy bars... she even got some fruit snacks Carson! We just hung out there and took a tour around their beautiful home.

Hope everyone enjoyed their halloween!