Well, all you Florida people who read my blog... Fall is in the air here in Michigan. It cooled off today and was super nice. The humidity has been so high lately that I enjoyed the coolness in the air. (yeah that sentence sounded gay)! LOL
NEway! Met Jessi at Kohl's after work tonight to spend our Kohl's cash that we both had from a purchase 2 weeks ago. I ended up getting some really cute frames that were buy 1 get 1 free. Very cute. I got this one (2 of these) and this one and this one. Good stuff.
Kenedey is doing great in her second week of school. She is such a good girl, im so proud of her, she is so responsible with her things and has been doing a great job with staying on her chores and making sure she has all her stuff for school. (whew... can you say run on sentence?) Mom would you believe the little piggy's room is clean and she dusted yesterday. Anyway.. she has done such a good job falling right back into the routine of school.
We went to visit my Gramma Grace tonight. As most of you know who are regular lurkers, she is near and dear to my heart, im very close to her. I have not been good about stopping over to see her. Just get so stinkin busy lately. But she looked really good tonight. (She's 88 for those of you who don't know). She goes back to Florida at the end of the month. I miss her when she leaves, but I know it's great for her to go there. She gets a huge kick out of Carson and his naughtyness (rather being all boy)! She just cracks up at the stuff he does. Yeah really funny Gramma!!! Everytime we go over there he plays with the exact sames things that he should not. The drink coasters, a metal rocking horse, prayer hands, a doiley(sp), the DVD player, and the cordless phone. Well tonight when we got there, she had found him an old cordless phone. She had it set out just for him for when he comes over, so he played with that. He decided he would throw it at Kenedey, not once but like 3 times before we took it away. Yeah nice little brother he is. He talks on the phone ALL. THE. TIME. But when you WANT him to... he wont. Go figure. We really need to get over to the farm more over the next few weeks before she goes. I invited her over for dinner on Thurs night. She said she doesn't want me to "work" to make dinner. But I really WANT to, she always takes care of everyone and still likes to cook for others, its the least I can do. Hopefully she will come. She wants to come see Kenedey's "new room". How cute that she is even still interested at 88. Aren't we so lucky to have her?
Just a random picture for you to see. This is Carson "picking" on Talan already... COME ON CARSON! ALREADY??? Save it... you have years of that to come. You two will likely be buddies like your sisters. See they even copy you! Silly girls :-)
Speaking of the Hutchinson kids... Everyone give a big warm welcome to Jen (their mom). She has started a blog! Welcome to the world of blogging Jen!!! I can't wait to read your posts!
Go visit their site: The Hutchinson's
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