He just learned to drink from a straw!
This mean all done. And in this pic, yes he is sitting in the recliner in his "big boy" seat. I had something I HAD to do in the living room and he needed a snack so I brought him out there! Not usually where he eats!
So I know that this is my 3rd post today, however... I have all these things on my mind and if I don't get them off it, I can't stop thinking about it. I think my blog has become an unload and then I can forget the things I want to remember... until I get them down here they keep repeating in my head... Weird...yes!
So here we are at 16 months ALREADY!
New things Carson is doing/saying etc:
- He has begun to learn animal sounds! His meow for kitty is particularly cute and his "roof" for dog is sweet! He has a "mean" rarr for lion/bear! He has started to copy daddy when daddy naps on the couch, dad makes this awful snoring noise when he sleeps... well now Carson copies him and makes a snoring sound and lays his head down to pretend to sleep.
- We have passed the high chair down to Talan. Mom had a hard time seeing it go, however.. I dont think Carson noticed. Im glad Talan has it... somehow that makes me feel better. He seems to enjoy sitting at the table with us in his "big boy" seat. Tonight though, he learned to spit. Thus... causing food to go everywhere. When he was told no, not to do that... yeah he did it more. Ignoring seemed to work best. Difficult for us not to laugh?... for sure! When he is done eating he does this "all done" sign language that we made up when he was small. Sometimes he will sit there for all of 30 seconds and give the sign for all done. He hates to be restrained but its a necessity most of the time if you want him to sit.
- He is down to 1 nap a day now. It can last anywhere from 2-3 hours usually around noon or 1. Goes to bed around 8:30pm and up around 7am. On the rare occasion when he's been super busy he will sneak in an early nap if terribly whiny.
- New favorite movie: Stuart Little... who knew real people and a mouse would be a fav over a cartoon type show. It IS a cute show at least! At the end when the credits roll, he dances!
- LOVES music, still dance often!
- Loves fruit and has gotten a little picky with food. Not too bad though, he really likes fruit snacks. I have to remind myself they are a SNACK and he can't have them often. Veggies... not so much. We keep offering them. Pancakes for breakfast LOVES THEM!
- He tucks his little arms in when you hold him close to you. Rarely does he let anyone hold him and lay his head on your shoulder, but when he does he tucks his arms under his chest. Very sweet.
- Anything you can stack or put into something he likes to play with. He got some Duplo Lego's to play with and he enjoys those alot. He's great at putting them together and taking them apart. He still loves his little people school bus that the Robertson's got him for his birthday, he dances to the song it sings and pushes it all over the house.
- He sits in his elmo chair in his room to watch Stuart and uses it like its a recliner! LOL
- Still a very messy eater. Needs a bath everyday after dinner. He is using utensils very well. Tonight he poked his watermelon several times to be sure it was on his fork properly!
- He loves touch and feel and pull flap books. Dog (which was his fav book) has been retired. He pulled most of the tails off and the furry touch parts had all be pulled out. The dogs tounge was no longer sticky and the part where the book was bound together yeah that was ripped apart... I have intentions to buy another book same one, and put it up for when he treats them nicer, since he enjoys those so much. Right now we keep reading Tails by the same author, its seen better days also but the animals still have hair and still most of the pull tabs so we will use that one until its fully demolished. We are moving over to just the board books and no more fragile anything. So we are currently reading and rereading and rereading Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and The very Lonely Firefly... would you like me to recite each of them? I can!
- He has this cute wave he does when we leave people and a loud obnoxious BYEEEE to go along with it! I adore it, but it is truly obnoxious. He says hello to nearly everyone when we go anywhere. He doesn't say a lot of words on command yet, still only a select few that are plain as day, but everyday it seems he is saying more... tee tu (thank you) teese (please), hi, bye, yes, no, de dadeedadee (Kenedey), Ma (anytime he wants something...mostly for someone else's food or drink... just ask Jessi... she had a drink and he wouldn't stop calling her MA because he wanted more drinks, oh and he says that really loud too! Mom, Dad, Maama (for Grandma Grace)... Thats all I can recall at the moment. Still a lot of uggg eeeggg... for what he wants, ill be glad when thats over.
- He crys when Kenedey and I leave in the morning. Melts my heart, but we have the BEST babysitter who just adores him and takes such good care of him, so I don't worry too much.... I think it's time for seperation anxiety. I must admit, Kenedey and I are close for who is his fav person to be with. It used to be daddy, but that has changed.
- He's a climber... He has climbed on top of the kitchen table. Tries to climb up the back of the chairs in the kitchen. I worry he will tip one of them over and crack his head... ugh.
Well... hopefully I have covered most of updates here! Lots this month!
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