Saturday, December 8, 2007

Slakin blogger

A new favorite of mine! (Alfalfa)
I have so much to blog about, but so little time! I have been trying to destress over the past few days, so this bloggin deal has taken a back seat. I still have been thinking all day long... oh I have to write this down... I know im obsessed, but I love looking back and remembering months later. It makes it so worth it.

Friday night Kenedey went to stay the night at with a friend for a bday party and then today they went roller skating. She was exhausted this evening! She said she had a great time!

Today is my dear husbands bday. Happy Birthday Jason! He's the big 31! Wow i can't believe im married to someone that old.... oh wait im 28 myself. UGH... were getting old!

We went out to dinner tonight and Jason's mom watched the kids. We met Kevin and Courtney (Kevin is both kids godfather, best man in wedding kind of guy to us, he has been Jason's friend since I think 2nd grade...something like that!). Anyway... had a quick dinner with them and then went to pick up the kids drove and looked at lights on our way home and that was about the extent of our exciting evening. I at least wanted him to feel like it was a bday even though it wasn't much. We vowed not to get each other anything this year... we want to move to a house ASAP!!! We are feeling so cramped in our apartment and we are getting on each others nerves! LOL So no money towards presents!!!

Here are some pics of the kiddos over the past few days! Carson's language development is growing almost daily! Tonight he said to Jason's mom as we were leaving, "Love you... sounded like laa eww" First time he has ever actually said it. Also he said "NaNa", which is what the kids call her. He is doing the itsy bitsy spider and head, shoulders, knees and toes almost once an hour! LOL... no we are not sick of it yet, its SOOOO cute!

These pictures are some random ones I have snapped over the past few days! I was of course able to capture them together in a pose AFTER I sent out Christmas Cards... go figure! Carson

rides the little people school bus around all the time... its NOT meant to be ridden on, but... he doesn't seem to care! So Kenedey decided that she would ride on her barbie horse like her brother! LOL

The eyelashes on this kid... I have always loved Jason's eyelashes, and him and his sister look A LOT alike (more so than some twins) when she puts mascara on her lashes they are like GORGEOUS... well Carson was blessed with these beautiful lashes! Aren't they just perfect!

Friday night they had a party at Carson's daycare... have I ever mentioned that I LOVE THIS PLACE! It was so cute what they put together for the kids, they had a great puppet show, a veggie tales movie, 3 different games, popcorn, cotton candy, and drinks! It was a lot of fun! They included all of the kids and their families... I was really impressed! We got gifts for all the teachers and they were genuinely appreciated! It was really neat! Anyway here are some pics. The people who are wrapped up in toilet paper are supposed to be snowmen! They had a contest to see who's turned out best! Cute!