Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Now for OUR house!

This is how it looked last night after "Santa" left to finish delivering gifts to all the other kids! ahhh... so lovely!


They had an incredible morning! Kenedey was SO thrilled with her new Nintendo DS!!! She wanted me to make a list so we can remember next year, so here goes!
  1. Nintendo DS
  2. two Nintendo DS games
  3. a new heating blanket for her bed
  4. a new mattress pad for her bed... it's one of those squishy things. We have one on our bed so she wanted that.
  5. High School Musical 2 DVD
  6. Polar Express movie
  7. Santa Claus 3
  8. a car charger for her DS
  9. Ear buds for her DS
  10. A case for her DS
  11. 3 pack of stylus' for her DS in case she looses any... which she claims SHE WILL NOT!
  12. new PJ's
  13. 3 outfits from Aeropostale, her fav store
  14. 2 new ornaments
  15. pack of books (Spiderwick series)
  16. shoes
  17. lip glosses
  18. bath set
  19. Hannah Montana game
  20. first new bra's!
  21. Onsted zipper pull that I found at a craft show

I think that about covers it. She made out all too well, as usual. She has said Thank You more than enough today. I appreciate how kind and thankful she is.

Carson made out well too! He had a hard time enjoying everything all at once. He would play with one thing until he got bored and then open another! Here is my attempt at his list.

  1. A huge truck that holds blocks... who knew he would try to ride it?!
  2. a wooden tool set
  3. a light up tool set
  4. his first Semi truck filled with cars
  5. books
  6. color wonder
  7. 3 outfits
  8. new pj's
  9. a play saw
  10. a spiderman "couch" that folds out to a "bed"
  11. 2 new ornaments
  12. puzzles
  13. The movies listed above are a mutual gift for the two of them.

I think that about wraps up our day. I really haven't seen much of Kenedey today. She spent WAY too much time playing her DS and then this evening Taylor Hutchinson came over to play. Now she is staying the night here and then tomorrow the girls are going over there for the day while I work. They are having a blast playing right now and of course have plans to stay up ALL night! They usually make it to about 10pm!

Lastly, I made my first Prime Rib tonight. It turned out wonderful! We had veggies with it, corn muffins, baked beans, pasta salad. Also for breakfast I made Texas Eggs they were wonderful. I think this is the first day we have sat down together to eat two times in one day! Guess that goes to show how busy we have been lately! Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!