Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hey all, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth or forgotten to blog. I TRULY enjoy doing this blog. However, I got a warning from my mom the other day that I need to be sure and get enough sleep. I usually stay up really late after both kids are to bed and do computer stuff (ie; blog, digital scrapbooking, photos, etc.) So I made a concious effort to get to bed at a decent time last night. Thank you mom for the warning.

I for sure have adrenal fatigue and staying up that late and getting up early for work does not help matters. So I am doing this for myself. My bedtime will be 11:00 pm and ill try to fit in a nap one or two (if possible) per week. To give you an idea its not uncommon for me to say up until about 1:30am and then get up for work at 6:30 and seriously not sit down until 11:00pm the next day. Such is life for full time employment and full time mommy. I know many of you out there can relate. I wouldn't trade most of it for anything... however I wish someone else would come and clean my house the way I want it and do the dishes and laundry. Ill even put it away... I just want more time to spend with my kids and not so much time consumed by household chores that fall on me. I know I need to do more of delegating people in my household to do some of this, however... its a weakness for me. I am going to make a concious effort to ask for more help. I know its not real easy for me to do and its not because I don't want to ask for help, its more that it seems easier to just do it myself... not really logical though! Ok enough of that ramble!

I am working on downloading a video we took of Carson the other night with my camera. He is SO crazy about music. It's adorable. He was dancing to choo choo soul and the backyardigans. He's funny as all get out!

My car is now officially in the shop. For those of you who don't know... a lady backed into my car the other day and smashed the back right passenger door. Now that I think about it I should have taken a picture.. but I forgot to. Anyway... the great thinga about all of this is... HER insurance company is paying for all the repairs AND also for a rental car while mine is in the body shop. I didn't even have to file a claim with my insurance company, she has AAA and they call it a mini torte apparently. I was amazed at how easy this all has been. It's nice when things go your way! Praise the Lord! I sure can't complain about it. Accidents happen! I will be driving a Jeep Compass for the next week! That should be fun. I hope its not a gas hog though. They gave me a Focus, but that was just not big enough for all our stuff I thought, so for only $5 out of my pocket per day they let me upgrade. We figured that was worth $5 a day. Just a tad of luxury (space wise) compared to a tiny Focus. It is being done at Seymour Ford and will be done in a week. All repairs are lifetime guaranteed! :-) Ok im being a dork now.

Not too much coming up this weekend. On Sat morning my friend (a drug rep, who I met though work) is going to come down and hang out and take some pics of the kiddos. She has a son who just turned 2 last week. We are going to go out to the farm and just play in the dirt! LOL sounds fun huh! Isn't that what little boys love?! I'll post some pics for ya later. Im looking forward to it.

We are going to try to get out to Jessi's to see her new kitty. She adopted him from the Humane Society and she wants Ken to come over and see him and work her animal magic with the cat! Ken has {powers} with animals you know! Im not kidding for those of you who dont know her, almost EVERY animal takes to her. She has a big heart for animals!

Thats about it for now! More to come soon!