Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ring around the rosey...

Look at his poor little head he has about 20 boo-boo's on his forehead! I photo shopped them out of the other ones!

Well, I haven't done an update on things Carson is doing lately. So I thought tonight as I watched him play "Ring around the Rosey" with Jack and Lauren that I would do just that. Ill get to all his "new" things after an update.

I am at Jessica's as I type this. She went to a wedding today for a good friend of hers. So I told her I would watch the kids. They have been exceptionally good all day. Of course as I'm saying this all three of them are screaming about this or that... it is after 9 pm so I guess that is understandable. Carson is getting really tired. He only slept about an hour today for his nap although he didn't get out of bed this morning until around 10am. Well the phone just rang and it was Jessi. She wants to stay longer at the wedding so I guess I'm going to take the kids to my house and she will just come there to get them either later or in the morning. So ill finish this when I get home.

Well, its now Sunday evening and I never made it back to blog when I got home last night. It was a little after 10pm when we got home and then all sorts of things to get four kids settled into bed and all that. Props to mom's with 4 kids who have time for ANYTHING but kid care! Jack was super good for me. Lauren was too, although she's a noisy little one! She has like 2 volumes that come out of her loud and LOUDER! Shes cute! I tried to teach her to talk quietly and she just cant do it! HA HA! Oh well that's her!

Kenedey had a nice weekend. She stayed Friday night with Taylor Hutchinson and they went to Hutch's parents house. I guess they had a tornado up where they live in Brighton. He went to cut trees and stuff and the girls got to hang out and play. Sounds like they had a great time. I was glad to see Kenedey getting out and doing something. She has really hung low around the house as you all know by now... but this I think was good for her. The Hutchinson's are close family friends, as a matter of fact the girls call each other cousins and we don't really correct them. How do you explain that they aren't related when our families are like 4 generations of friends, doesn't get much closer than that. It's good for them, I think it teaches them that our bond is more than that of just an acquaintance of good friends. Ok was that a rambling session or what! Anyway... thank you Hutch, Jen, Taylor and Talan for having Kenedey along! I have a feeling we will be doing this for years to come! By the time Carson and Talan are doing this type of thing we won't even have to think about it! I can't wait to watch them grow! We are so lucky to have kids so close in age like this! It's fun!

We had a relaxing morning today... just hung out and Jessi caught up on some sleep. The naughty girl stayed out until like 3 am! Oh well that's good for her on occasion! I think she had a great time. She's just lucky her kids behaved! :-)

We went outside this afternoon, it was beautiful outside. Perfect temp and I filled the pool for the kids to play in. Carson had a really good time! The water was a little cold for him but he got in for a few minutes.

He really is changing so much these days. Here's the updated list:

He is saying many words including: Ma (I hate it that he calls me that, but he does), Da, Kenedey, it sounds like Tendee, sit down seat dooon, no, yes, hieee aka HI, bye, love you (uh u), thank you (tee tu), dog, kitty (tieetee), whats that (sat and you have to whisper it!), night night (nih nih). I think that coves most of them. More come everyday, but he's not super talkative yet! Those are all that I can think of so far.

He is using more fine motor skills, he has started to scribble with crayons. As I said before him and Jack and Lauren did Ring around the rosey and he figured out to hold hands and turn in circles. He LOVED it! It was adorable. He clapped when he was all done. He is also using silverware at dinner and trying to use it. His highchair shows, that thing was disgusting. I took it outside today and cleaned it with some serious cleaner, the hose, and a scrubber sponge. Eww. But its all better now! If any of you are looking for a high chair to purchase... I HIGHLY recommend the one that we have. It was worth every single penny I paid for it. It's a Peg-perago. I LOVE IT! As a mom who has been there done that 2 times now... pay the extra for this one item if nothing else. I think this and the car seat stick with you the longest. We have gotten more use out of that high chair since he was like 3 months old.

Speaking of car seats. We are having somewhat of a dilemma with car seats. We have this one. It's a nice car seat, again I made sure we invested into it for safety and all that stuff. But Carson arches himself back and won't let you buckle him in. Jessica had an extra one that she hasn't used much so she told me we could have it for an extra seat for the other car. Well, its one of those that has the bar that comes over in front of the child. You only have to buckle one buckle (versus 4 with ours). Well it has been so easy and he doesn't mind getting into it. I'm not sure if he doesn't feel so restrained or what, but its working out better. So thanks jess! I guess that's the one we will be using for the most part.

He has this book that I've probably mentioned before. Courtney got it for him for his birthday. Its called DOG. Its one of those that has the tabs you pull and things move and then it has different fur for dogs... I could recite the dumb thing to you. Anyway... he has to read it at least 3 times a day. At the end there is a kitten that is hiding, and he has to find it. Tonight we were reading it and I asked him what does a dog say and I barked. He looked at me in serious thought. Then he barked! His bark was hilarious because he did it in a really high pitch! Too darn cute!

Lastly about Carson, he is now down to about 1 nap a day. He goes to bed between 8 and 9, and then is up anywhere between 8 and 10. This works well for him. His nap lasts about 2 1/2 hours. If he gets up much earlier than 8 he needs 2 naps. He likes... well more like needs his good rest!

Wait one more thing I almost forgot about him... He has 6 teeth now... 4 on top and 2 little bottom ones! The two new on top have just come in over the past 2 weeks and they are slowly moving down where you can see them! Oh and just one LAST thing! He LOVES the choo choo soul song still. If he even remotely hears a bit from that song he will stop in his tracks and make the pshhh ahhh sound!

OK that post has turned into a novel. Sorry! Enjoy the pics :-)

These deer were in our front yard, just hangin out! Aren't they cute?