Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hot off the press!

Hi My Name is Kari and I take pictures of cookies :-)
please help me!!!
Well thought I better get blogging since its 5:30 and Carson went down for a nap about 1/2 an hour ago. I CANNOT blog while he's anywhere around because he wants to hit all the buttons and gets mad when I tell him he can't thus creating a perfect opportunity for a temper tantrum. Ugh.

Carson after dinner yesterday! We are letting him use his own spoon and this is the result with pudding! Yuck! He looks like a baboon!

Well its been busy around here the past few days. Kenedey's shot went really well on Tues evening. She cried but didn't fight us or anything. She was a little nauseated within a few hours, but nothing she couldn't tolerate. Well then on Wed. morning she was REALLY sick. She threw up and just laid on the couch all day. She rarely just sits around so its a little odd when she does. Last night I felt so bad for her she just was miserable and just couldn't do anything to be comfortable. We went to bed about 9:30 thus no blogging and she slept really good until about 9:30 this morning... THANK GOD FOR SUMMER! She started Physical Therapy today and Jason took her to that. Sounds like it went really well. They sent her home with stretching exercises and will see her next Wed, Thurs and Fri. I can't wait to get that leg back in shape. We will work so hard on the exercises. I did call the Rheumatologist today about Ken being sick and they said to give her some Zofran which is for nausea. I took it when I was pregnant for Carson and it helped the nausea pretty good. We will try that with the next shot. I hope it works.
Knees post procedure... see a few back for pre procedure pics... this was taken on Sunday and they are even better now.

Taken on Sunday while Lauren was napping with me!! Awww!

Here are the pics I promised days ago of Jessi and her kids! Enjoy!

I worked my half day today and then went to lunch with a friend. It was such a nice time... felt like I got to have some me time and go do a girls lunch. We chatted the whole time and could have talked for hours. It was really enjoyable. I was telling her how important it is for me to go and do things like that when life is this stressful with Kenedey because you can get so consumed with taking care of all that stuff and forget to take care of yourself. I know because of last time we had a flare, how important that is to do that sort of thing. We went to applebees and it was YUMMY! Thank you Ellen! She got Kenedey a little bag of goodies which included all sorts of girly stuff. Kenedey was SO excited to have a little present when I got home.

My grandparents stopped over and brought Kenedey some stuff that my grandma got at the rummage sale at their church. It was THREE bags of Bratz dolls! JACKPOT!!! LOL Too fun! She has a ton of bratz dolls and barbies and all that stuff already, but I guess in her book you can never have enough! Oh well GIRLS for ya!

Jason made shishkabobs for dinner on the grill. They were very good but I really wasn't hungry because of Applebee's. I still sat down with them and picked at a kabob.

Not much going on this weekend and I am so thankful for that. I think I may be babysitting for Jessica on Sat. night so she can go to a wedding. Other than that we will probably just lay low and spend some time with Ken's friend Taylor before she leaves for Florida I think she goes like next week. Ugh.

Work is ok now... I think I can continue to tolerate it the way it is. I don't think things are going to change any time soon though. Well Carson is up and ive told you how well it works for me to blog and have him around. Not going to happen he is standing here yelling "MA" ugh I hate that... its MOM silly!

Last but not least my FAV of Lauren!
and Jack!

Ok lata!