Saturday, July 7, 2007

This deer was in the field next to our house. I really NEED a higher
zoom lens for now this is the best I could get.

Im the Boss is today's topic! I was thinking this evening about blogging and I was feeding Carson dinner. I had to say to myself several times... "im the boss". Carson is certainly what I consider a strong-willed child! He has recently detested the fact that he needs to sit in his high chair to eat. Its to restraing to him im sure but too bad! Tonight I put him in and he was just ticked immediately. I was so tempted to let him sit on a chair like I did at breakfast today, but then I thought better of it and decided that he was in control if I let him and honestly it just doesn't work because he climbs all over us. So that was my lession today! I will just keep telling myself with this kid... IM THE BOSS!

Last night I went to get groceries on my way home from work then I just came home and hung out with the kids for the rest of the evening. The neighbors were out and Mikaela the little girl had some chocolate milk which she was using for a "tea party" she was having. Well she decided to include Carson and he was thrilled with the milk. He got to drink out of one of her little princess cups to her set and I told her she created a monster! He drank about half of her chocolate milk she had. Honestly it was so cute because everytime he took a little sip that she would give him he said... "mmmm" Too cute!

After Carson went to bed we finished up some sparklers that we had from the 4th. I tried to get some pics with my camera... again I really need a tripod to shoot slow shutter speed, but I thought this picture was pretty sweet. You cant even see Ken's arms! I should have put my setting on action shot, but I used night shot for the slow speed on everything this is really the only one that looks neat the others are junk! Live and Learn! (then get Luvs.. kidding)

Today we just spent the morning around home relaxing and then around 3 (after naptime) we headed over to Hayes State Park (where J works). It was packed as he had warned us. I forgot my camera for the event... I was devistated :-( However, Carson and Ken totally enjoyed themselves. Kenedey swam and swam.... Carson played and played and played. It was a lot of fun. Carson's whining has improved this week a lot. I don't know if its because his tooth came through finally... I guess that's a good excuse anyway... teething I mean. Im just glad he's not as whiny!
Kenedey's knee I actually think looks better today. She still is real slow to move, but I swear some of the swelling is better. It's tough to say if its just wishful thinking or what, but I can't help but think it looks good. Not great but I would venture to say maybe 20% better than Tues morning (her worst day this past week). Any improvment is good in my book. I really don't want her back on methotrexate if we don't have to... again wishful thinking. She has been doing crafts all day and now she's watching a movie and crafting with beads again! I think she might be a little Martha type! She loves her crafts. She still hasn't unpacked her suitcase from being gone... im NOT doing it for her... my attempt to teach her responsiblity. I guess tomorrow she will need some direction to be told she HAS to do so!
Carson is still singing Chugga Shhh, Chugga Ahhh... all the time... its so cute! We say the chugga and he says... Shhh... Ahhhh... He is also into blowing "strawberries" on everyone's belly! He cracks up when he does it. He also is LOVING to play rough. Last night I must have beat the poor kid and knocked him around for a good 45 mins on the living room floor and he just belly laughed the ENTIRE time... its adorable with that giggle! He is walking so good now, and actually starting to run... AHHHHHHHH... im scared! He LOVES dogs and still wants to read the "dog" book ALL THE TIME. He looks for the kitty kitty at the end and then tells it bye bye!
Well thats about all thats happenin around the exciting Carpenter household for now! I know SO exciting! I need to go surf the net and investigate Traverse City for our upcoming vacation plans.