Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hey all, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth or forgotten to blog. I TRULY enjoy doing this blog. However, I got a warning from my mom the other day that I need to be sure and get enough sleep. I usually stay up really late after both kids are to bed and do computer stuff (ie; blog, digital scrapbooking, photos, etc.) So I made a concious effort to get to bed at a decent time last night. Thank you mom for the warning.

I for sure have adrenal fatigue and staying up that late and getting up early for work does not help matters. So I am doing this for myself. My bedtime will be 11:00 pm and ill try to fit in a nap one or two (if possible) per week. To give you an idea its not uncommon for me to say up until about 1:30am and then get up for work at 6:30 and seriously not sit down until 11:00pm the next day. Such is life for full time employment and full time mommy. I know many of you out there can relate. I wouldn't trade most of it for anything... however I wish someone else would come and clean my house the way I want it and do the dishes and laundry. Ill even put it away... I just want more time to spend with my kids and not so much time consumed by household chores that fall on me. I know I need to do more of delegating people in my household to do some of this, however... its a weakness for me. I am going to make a concious effort to ask for more help. I know its not real easy for me to do and its not because I don't want to ask for help, its more that it seems easier to just do it myself... not really logical though! Ok enough of that ramble!

I am working on downloading a video we took of Carson the other night with my camera. He is SO crazy about music. It's adorable. He was dancing to choo choo soul and the backyardigans. He's funny as all get out!

My car is now officially in the shop. For those of you who don't know... a lady backed into my car the other day and smashed the back right passenger door. Now that I think about it I should have taken a picture.. but I forgot to. Anyway... the great thinga about all of this is... HER insurance company is paying for all the repairs AND also for a rental car while mine is in the body shop. I didn't even have to file a claim with my insurance company, she has AAA and they call it a mini torte apparently. I was amazed at how easy this all has been. It's nice when things go your way! Praise the Lord! I sure can't complain about it. Accidents happen! I will be driving a Jeep Compass for the next week! That should be fun. I hope its not a gas hog though. They gave me a Focus, but that was just not big enough for all our stuff I thought, so for only $5 out of my pocket per day they let me upgrade. We figured that was worth $5 a day. Just a tad of luxury (space wise) compared to a tiny Focus. It is being done at Seymour Ford and will be done in a week. All repairs are lifetime guaranteed! :-) Ok im being a dork now.

Not too much coming up this weekend. On Sat morning my friend (a drug rep, who I met though work) is going to come down and hang out and take some pics of the kiddos. She has a son who just turned 2 last week. We are going to go out to the farm and just play in the dirt! LOL sounds fun huh! Isn't that what little boys love?! I'll post some pics for ya later. Im looking forward to it.

We are going to try to get out to Jessi's to see her new kitty. She adopted him from the Humane Society and she wants Ken to come over and see him and work her animal magic with the cat! Ken has {powers} with animals you know! Im not kidding for those of you who dont know her, almost EVERY animal takes to her. She has a big heart for animals!

Thats about it for now! More to come soon!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Just call me Brittney....

Spears that is!

I took Kenedey over to my Grandma Grace's tonight because they are taking her to the Lenawee County Fair tomorrow to watch my cousins show pigs and do the whole ride thing and whatever. She is still limping when she walks big time, but she is trying VERY hard to not let it stop her! GO KEN!!!

Anyway... why am I Brittney you ask? Well, Kenedey was out at the barn and I was leaving so I was going to drive out there to tell her goodbye. I let Carson sit on my lap to drive out back and he thought that was AWSOME. He was so excited and beeping the horn moving the wheel and all that good stuff. Well, we said our goodbye's to Ken and then I let him sit on my lap all the way to the end of the driveway. At the end, I stopped and got out to put him in his carseat to drive home. HE THREW A FIT!!! Little stinker. He was NOT happy. He screamed and did the wonderful arch his back kind of thing. Yeah I would say he was PISSED! I think he likes to drive :-) He cried for about 3 mintues down the road and then was over it. Gotta love the boy!

He was cute for grandma tonight. She was making smores with the kids in the microwave and Carson was sitting at her table eating marshmellows! (leave it to him to eat instead of help:-) We have been working with him getting him to say Grandma... well tonight he surprised us all. He yelled across the kitchen at her and said really loud.... "maaa ma" and we all just like stopped it was obvious he was calling her! I was so excited it was SO cute! She deserves that little priceless gift from a "baby"! As we were leaving I said, "Carson tell grandma bye" He looks at her and says..."bieeee maaa ma" And out the door he goes!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ring around the rosey...

Look at his poor little head he has about 20 boo-boo's on his forehead! I photo shopped them out of the other ones!

Well, I haven't done an update on things Carson is doing lately. So I thought tonight as I watched him play "Ring around the Rosey" with Jack and Lauren that I would do just that. Ill get to all his "new" things after an update.

I am at Jessica's as I type this. She went to a wedding today for a good friend of hers. So I told her I would watch the kids. They have been exceptionally good all day. Of course as I'm saying this all three of them are screaming about this or that... it is after 9 pm so I guess that is understandable. Carson is getting really tired. He only slept about an hour today for his nap although he didn't get out of bed this morning until around 10am. Well the phone just rang and it was Jessi. She wants to stay longer at the wedding so I guess I'm going to take the kids to my house and she will just come there to get them either later or in the morning. So ill finish this when I get home.

Well, its now Sunday evening and I never made it back to blog when I got home last night. It was a little after 10pm when we got home and then all sorts of things to get four kids settled into bed and all that. Props to mom's with 4 kids who have time for ANYTHING but kid care! Jack was super good for me. Lauren was too, although she's a noisy little one! She has like 2 volumes that come out of her loud and LOUDER! Shes cute! I tried to teach her to talk quietly and she just cant do it! HA HA! Oh well that's her!

Kenedey had a nice weekend. She stayed Friday night with Taylor Hutchinson and they went to Hutch's parents house. I guess they had a tornado up where they live in Brighton. He went to cut trees and stuff and the girls got to hang out and play. Sounds like they had a great time. I was glad to see Kenedey getting out and doing something. She has really hung low around the house as you all know by now... but this I think was good for her. The Hutchinson's are close family friends, as a matter of fact the girls call each other cousins and we don't really correct them. How do you explain that they aren't related when our families are like 4 generations of friends, doesn't get much closer than that. It's good for them, I think it teaches them that our bond is more than that of just an acquaintance of good friends. Ok was that a rambling session or what! Anyway... thank you Hutch, Jen, Taylor and Talan for having Kenedey along! I have a feeling we will be doing this for years to come! By the time Carson and Talan are doing this type of thing we won't even have to think about it! I can't wait to watch them grow! We are so lucky to have kids so close in age like this! It's fun!

We had a relaxing morning today... just hung out and Jessi caught up on some sleep. The naughty girl stayed out until like 3 am! Oh well that's good for her on occasion! I think she had a great time. She's just lucky her kids behaved! :-)

We went outside this afternoon, it was beautiful outside. Perfect temp and I filled the pool for the kids to play in. Carson had a really good time! The water was a little cold for him but he got in for a few minutes.

He really is changing so much these days. Here's the updated list:

He is saying many words including: Ma (I hate it that he calls me that, but he does), Da, Kenedey, it sounds like Tendee, sit down seat dooon, no, yes, hieee aka HI, bye, love you (uh u), thank you (tee tu), dog, kitty (tieetee), whats that (sat and you have to whisper it!), night night (nih nih). I think that coves most of them. More come everyday, but he's not super talkative yet! Those are all that I can think of so far.

He is using more fine motor skills, he has started to scribble with crayons. As I said before him and Jack and Lauren did Ring around the rosey and he figured out to hold hands and turn in circles. He LOVED it! It was adorable. He clapped when he was all done. He is also using silverware at dinner and trying to use it. His highchair shows, that thing was disgusting. I took it outside today and cleaned it with some serious cleaner, the hose, and a scrubber sponge. Eww. But its all better now! If any of you are looking for a high chair to purchase... I HIGHLY recommend the one that we have. It was worth every single penny I paid for it. It's a Peg-perago. I LOVE IT! As a mom who has been there done that 2 times now... pay the extra for this one item if nothing else. I think this and the car seat stick with you the longest. We have gotten more use out of that high chair since he was like 3 months old.

Speaking of car seats. We are having somewhat of a dilemma with car seats. We have this one. It's a nice car seat, again I made sure we invested into it for safety and all that stuff. But Carson arches himself back and won't let you buckle him in. Jessica had an extra one that she hasn't used much so she told me we could have it for an extra seat for the other car. Well, its one of those that has the bar that comes over in front of the child. You only have to buckle one buckle (versus 4 with ours). Well it has been so easy and he doesn't mind getting into it. I'm not sure if he doesn't feel so restrained or what, but its working out better. So thanks jess! I guess that's the one we will be using for the most part.

He has this book that I've probably mentioned before. Courtney got it for him for his birthday. Its called DOG. Its one of those that has the tabs you pull and things move and then it has different fur for dogs... I could recite the dumb thing to you. Anyway... he has to read it at least 3 times a day. At the end there is a kitten that is hiding, and he has to find it. Tonight we were reading it and I asked him what does a dog say and I barked. He looked at me in serious thought. Then he barked! His bark was hilarious because he did it in a really high pitch! Too darn cute!

Lastly about Carson, he is now down to about 1 nap a day. He goes to bed between 8 and 9, and then is up anywhere between 8 and 10. This works well for him. His nap lasts about 2 1/2 hours. If he gets up much earlier than 8 he needs 2 naps. He likes... well more like needs his good rest!

Wait one more thing I almost forgot about him... He has 6 teeth now... 4 on top and 2 little bottom ones! The two new on top have just come in over the past 2 weeks and they are slowly moving down where you can see them! Oh and just one LAST thing! He LOVES the choo choo soul song still. If he even remotely hears a bit from that song he will stop in his tracks and make the pshhh ahhh sound!

OK that post has turned into a novel. Sorry! Enjoy the pics :-)

These deer were in our front yard, just hangin out! Aren't they cute?

Friday, July 20, 2007


The one with the red background is before: The one on the couch is after
Well I guess this isnt the best comparison... but I think its because she has her knees bent in the one on the right. Ill try again another time to show you how much better the swelling looks.

Isn't he the cutest!

These were all taken at my
Aunt Joyce and Uncle Hugh's house... well actually behind their home back in the "forrest" as Jack calls it! He really isn't always THIS serious! He usually smiles! But he has learned my tricks with the camera and I think he was OVER IT! Like mom get that thing out of my face! I can't say I blame him! Its just too hard not to snap at him when he's so cute!

This one of Carson where he has a phone in his hand is pretty much how he is ALL the time. That phone is Jessica's and he LOVES to use it. He holds it up to his ear and says "HI" real loud any chance he can get. And your in for it when you take it away from him... its another reason for a serious temper tantrum! The phone battle with him is one I choose not to fight. He's so serious about his phone. It wouldn't be surprising if he went into communications when he grows up. Oh and the phone is only good if it WORKS. Dont try to give him one that works but is old and doesn't have service! I don't know how he knows, but he does!

Venture on over....

To my cousin Jessica's and check out the new page header I made for her! She has the CUTEST kids except for mine of course! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hot off the press!

Hi My Name is Kari and I take pictures of cookies :-)
please help me!!!
Well thought I better get blogging since its 5:30 and Carson went down for a nap about 1/2 an hour ago. I CANNOT blog while he's anywhere around because he wants to hit all the buttons and gets mad when I tell him he can't thus creating a perfect opportunity for a temper tantrum. Ugh.

Carson after dinner yesterday! We are letting him use his own spoon and this is the result with pudding! Yuck! He looks like a baboon!

Well its been busy around here the past few days. Kenedey's shot went really well on Tues evening. She cried but didn't fight us or anything. She was a little nauseated within a few hours, but nothing she couldn't tolerate. Well then on Wed. morning she was REALLY sick. She threw up and just laid on the couch all day. She rarely just sits around so its a little odd when she does. Last night I felt so bad for her she just was miserable and just couldn't do anything to be comfortable. We went to bed about 9:30 thus no blogging and she slept really good until about 9:30 this morning... THANK GOD FOR SUMMER! She started Physical Therapy today and Jason took her to that. Sounds like it went really well. They sent her home with stretching exercises and will see her next Wed, Thurs and Fri. I can't wait to get that leg back in shape. We will work so hard on the exercises. I did call the Rheumatologist today about Ken being sick and they said to give her some Zofran which is for nausea. I took it when I was pregnant for Carson and it helped the nausea pretty good. We will try that with the next shot. I hope it works.
Knees post procedure... see a few back for pre procedure pics... this was taken on Sunday and they are even better now.

Taken on Sunday while Lauren was napping with me!! Awww!

Here are the pics I promised days ago of Jessi and her kids! Enjoy!

I worked my half day today and then went to lunch with a friend. It was such a nice time... felt like I got to have some me time and go do a girls lunch. We chatted the whole time and could have talked for hours. It was really enjoyable. I was telling her how important it is for me to go and do things like that when life is this stressful with Kenedey because you can get so consumed with taking care of all that stuff and forget to take care of yourself. I know because of last time we had a flare, how important that is to do that sort of thing. We went to applebees and it was YUMMY! Thank you Ellen! She got Kenedey a little bag of goodies which included all sorts of girly stuff. Kenedey was SO excited to have a little present when I got home.

My grandparents stopped over and brought Kenedey some stuff that my grandma got at the rummage sale at their church. It was THREE bags of Bratz dolls! JACKPOT!!! LOL Too fun! She has a ton of bratz dolls and barbies and all that stuff already, but I guess in her book you can never have enough! Oh well GIRLS for ya!

Jason made shishkabobs for dinner on the grill. They were very good but I really wasn't hungry because of Applebee's. I still sat down with them and picked at a kabob.

Not much going on this weekend and I am so thankful for that. I think I may be babysitting for Jessica on Sat. night so she can go to a wedding. Other than that we will probably just lay low and spend some time with Ken's friend Taylor before she leaves for Florida I think she goes like next week. Ugh.

Work is ok now... I think I can continue to tolerate it the way it is. I don't think things are going to change any time soon though. Well Carson is up and ive told you how well it works for me to blog and have him around. Not going to happen he is standing here yelling "MA" ugh I hate that... its MOM silly!

Last but not least my FAV of Lauren!
and Jack!

Ok lata!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sorry :-(

I know ive been a poor blogger the past few days. It isn't because I don't have anything to share, more of not enough time in a day. I have thought about it everyday, but just couldn't get set down at the computer to do it. Right now, im actually at work doing this blog. I am on lunch... don't worry not on company time! :-)

So updates:

Kenedey is coming along. She is bearing weight on that right leg now, but still using the crutches intermittently. We have just about everything in place now... im just waiting to get enough Folic Acid medication in her before we start the MTX injection. MTX depletes Folic Acid in the body therefore you have to supplement it to anyone on the shot. She is still painful at times. Its tough to watch... but as you all know she is a trooper. She has been doing a lot more sitting than ever. I never realize how ON THE GO she is all the time until I see her sitting more and more. I want her back to her busy self and quickly. Her knee swelling looks good. I took some more pics of the knees this weekend and also the ankles just for documenting purposes. I think it will be a healthy thing to look back and see how far she has come in a few weeks and then months... it can be very encouraging.

We have her all set up for Physical Therapy and I found a place in Onsted! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Can you believe Onsted has a PT place... yeah I couldn't either! I contacted Children's Special Health Care services and they were able to give me a phone number and located the Onsted one for me. Hooray! She has her 1st evaluation on Thurs. morn at 10 that Jason will be taking her to. I could have gotten her in today at 4 but stupid work conflicts... we have a office meeting tonight. YUCK!

We will probably do Ken's first injection tonight after dinner... ill let you all know how that goes... Wish us luck we need it, remember she HATES shots!

I took some pics of Jessica and her kids this weekend to practice I got some good ones. It was fun to try to practice with focus and different settings to see what I come up with. I will get some of them posted here tonight when I get home. I promise Jess ill do it tonight!

Carson is a tiny bit sick. I'm really not sure what's wrong with him. I think it's just cutting teeth, but he is running a fever, red cheeks and all and he threw up yesterday. I can't complain, he's been in a fairly good mood despite all that. The saying goes God never gives you more than you can handle. I'm sure that's why Carson isn't more sick! I don't think I could handle everyone but me being sick! Yeah you heard me right, everyone but me! Jason is also having a problem. Something is wrong with his foot. He came in and saw Dr. Robertson this morning. He did some lab work on him and also did an xray of his foot. Personally I think he has Gout. But what do I know! We will see.

The garage sale that we had this weekend at Jessica's was a success. I got rid of A LOT of stuff. We sold everything extremely cheap. So considering that and making roughly 200 bucks between the 2 of us I think that's great. I don't think anything was priced much over a dollar... and we seriously had some good stuff. It got pretty boring sitting out there all day so later in the day when it slowed, we let the kids (Kenedey, Angel, Joey, and Taylor) sit out there and run the sale. They thought they were pretty cool and Jessi set the game cube up out there so they played that between customers. They were all about making $$. Who can blame them! They had a little bake sale and lemonade stand of their own and they made out with about 15 bucks from that. I made Choc. Chip cookies, Snicker doodle cookies, lemon poppy seed muffins and Pumpkin Muffins. Even had to go to the store for more cookies in the end! Good experience for them! I am going to hold onto the 15 bucks for them so that they can all go to the Parlour (ice cream store) maybe together sometime. We just really didn't have time for it this weekend.

I cut Jessica's hair on Sunday afternoon before we took pics and it turned out really cute! Watch for pics of that later! Maybe ill do a before and after! No I better not she will probably kill me for that because most of them I have of her shes doing the pony tail and no makeup thing we do when we have 7 kids to look after! We went to breakfast at Bob Evans on Sunday morning... me, Jess and all our kids... yeah way too many kids! LOL We had 8 of us. The kids were actually REALLY good and well behaved. We had an excellent server but our food took FOREVER to come out of the kitchen, we never complained, just figured that they were really busy. Well the manager came over and told us that he would buy dessert for everyone. I was like what the heck its like 10 am and he's going to buy dessert... but seriously I wasn't going to argue... whatever I thought. Well we get 2 desserts for everyone to split and then our server comes over and says... I demanded that we take care of your entire bill. Oh my gosh I wasn't expecting that! How nice of him. We told him that really wasn't necessary but he insisted. We gave him $20 for a tip. So in my opinion support Bob Evans! We seriously never complained but they were very attentive to our needs and the server was so patient. I think its tough to do with all those kids!

Things at work are awful as usual. I really don't have the energy to say much about it right now. All I can say is that things finally came to a head with Petunia. I hate her more than ever now... but serious its not worth the effort to type out what happened. She attacked me personally never once did she say anything about the way I work... just my personal life. I will NEVER put up with that crap from a fellow employee again. Ugh my tummy hurts just thinking about that.

Well that pretty much updates you for now! I will post some pictures this evening! Talk soon! ttfn (ta ta for now!)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Well thats over with

For all of you wondering how Kenedey's "procedure" went, it went well. Of course there is a story to go along with it, seems these days nothing goes quite as planned! We go to U of M Mott's Children's Hospital and everything was moving along as planned... until Dr. Adams, (Kenedey's Rheumatologist) came to look at her joints before going into the Operating Room. She always uses a marker on Kenedey's knees to mark which knee they doing. Well, im standing there talking to the anesthesiologist and she marks Kenedey Left knee. I said, "wait, thats not the correct knee." She looks at me with this surprised expression and says... "well... uh... now were doing both knees." Kenedey has NEVER had her left knee flare before. Well apparently she know has BOTH knees affected, her left ankle, and her thumbs... who knows what else could pop up now... nothing would surprise me at this point.

So Kenedey starts crying and gets all upset because of course we have her all prepared for the one knee and shes all fine with that... for goodness sake shes done this four times already. Well that "extra knee" bonus for today just threw her off. I can't say I blame her. I wish I could have prepared her, but really there was no way for us to know it needed to be done too. So the "surgery" went all fine and dandy. It took a little longer than it usually does, they were exceptionally busy today. She was pretty upset still when she came out of post-op they said she woke up shaking... probably just nerves. She can get herself all worked up pretty quickly. They left her IV in her hand for awhile just to be sure she didn't need anything for nausea or anything... well good thing they did because her left knee was hurting her. They gave her some Tylenol and also some Morphine in her IV. That calmed everything down quickly. When the nurse came over with the Morphine it was in a syringe with a needle and Kenedey started crying and was like I dont like shots. But then she explained she would put it in her IV... that stopped the hysterics! LOL The child DISPISES shots!

Dr. Adams is going to have her start taking Methotrexate (MTX for short) again which is a weekly injection. She has done it before and responded extremely well and that's probaby what sent her into remission last time... 2 years ago. She considered putting her on Plaquenil or Azulfasalazine (sp?) but said we would see how she did with just the MTX. She is stopping the Celebrex that she is currently on and putting her back on Sulindac again which is a non steroidal anti-infammatory. If you pray... please do so for Kenedey, she could really use some extra prayers to get through this tough time. We are doing our best to keep our heads up, however, at times this all feels very discouraging. Thank God she is a tough little booger! We are starting back to Physical Therapy as soon as Dr. Adams office gets it set up. That part is always a challenge because it's so many trips to Jackson and Ken always ends up hating it because it hurts and they make her work the joints that she doesn't want to. But here we go!

So enough about that... thank you again to all of you for your concern and thoughts about Kenedey's JRA flare and her procedure. We sincerely appreciate it.

On a lighter note. We stopped on our way home and had some lunch at Chili's. It was excellent. We don't go out to eat much (budget crunch) so it was a treat. We enjoyed it. Then Jason and Kenedey really wanted to stop at Petco (pet store). They went in there.... Kenedey went in the cart! I went over to Old Navy... they are having some serious sales. I think moving out summer stuff for back to school stuff probably. I got Ken a pair of jeans for $3.99 and I think 4 shirts, a pair of shorts and Carson a pair of jammies, and 2 shirts and I walked out spending $21.36. Good deal don't ya think. I LOVE that store when they have deal like that! You all know im a sucker for a good deal.

We did some baking tonight, we made... pumpkin mini muffins, lemon poppy seed muffins, snickerdoodle cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. We are doing the garage sale at Jessica's tomorrow morning and we are going to let the kids have a lemonade stand and sell the cookies and muffins. Should be fun! I guess she sold quite a bit of my stuff today about 20 bucks worth not bad considering I didn't take over all that much stuff. Got rid of ALL of Carson's baby bibs, there were about 59 of them! LOL Ken put a bunch of VHS movies in that she didn't want anymore and those are about gone too Jess said. YEAH! Well, thats about it for now! Everyone have a great weekend. :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The title works again!

Two new favorites for me of my kiddos!

Kenedey & Taylor

This was fun to get them all to cooperate!

His shirt says it all!

I I love his little chubby hands!

Not much to blog about tonight just a usual Wednesday. Wed's are my late night at work so I am there for 10 hours. We had breakfast for dinner when I got home tonight then I went outside with Carson just to hang out for awhile and snap some pictures. Kenedey's knee is still severely contracted today and it looks awful. Only one more day to get through then procedure day finally.

These are for you mom so you can see how it has changed over the past week... Gosh

I took a bunch of pics tonight and ill try to restrain myself from posting too many. Our neighbor who Kenedey plays with ALL the time is moving to Florida at the end of the month. I am going to try to get a little picture book put together for her so she can take some memories with her. She is at our house all the time and Kenedey is going to miss her so much. I must admit though I am going to miss her lots too. She and Ken play really well together and she doesn't annoy me like so many times kids friends do! So thats who the girl in the pics are. She LOVES to have her pic taken and is posing for the camera all the time! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Flower in the Reul's garden

The title section still doesn't work today... what the heck?!

Anyway... Productive day is the topic. Tuesday was busy at work. I spent most of the day doing the usual, but Dr. R had a few outside appointments to take care of so both times he was gone I did collection letters for our office manager. Fun stuff, but its got to be done! I know iv'e been complaining about work lately but another thing to vent about today.

Its more about the autoclave situation. Last week Dr. R said to me, "since no one else will do it, you and I are going to have to go through all of the insturments and just inventory what we have and make it all correct". I agree with him and I want to do this. The only thing that's holding me back is Mrs. Do-all at this point. She usually does all the autoclaving and handles all the instruments. Its become almost one of those things for her that she just does. I have NO PROBLEM doing any of it whatsoever, but I feel like im stepping on toes if I just jump in and do what he's asking. So many things around there are like mine and theirs and all that crap... crappy teamwork. I consider myself very much a team player and ive worked in many situations where teamwork is a do or die kind of thing (like the restraunt business). I wish I knew how to go about handling this situation without making her feel like I'm stepping on her "turf". Why does it feel that way? It really shouldn't. I dont know how to fix this situation so ill probably end up handling it like I do most everything. Just do what my boss asks me to do and not worry about the rest. I know who signs my paycheck. Ugh... stupid stuff.

Ok enough about that. Kenedey's knee is HORRIBLE today. She called me at work to tell me that her knee hurt really bad. The stoic girl has succomed to what this disease does to her body. She has finally gotten to ther point where her mind is no longer stronger than the pain. But gosh she is such a little trooper. Im serious, she is tough. She is using her crutches because her contracture of the knee is now so bad that she can't straighten that knee to get it to the ground. The joint is BIG. Only 2 more full days to get through until the procedure. I think she is finally looking forward to the procedure (persejur) as she calls it! Thank God that we have the option. I wonder how much this weather is affecting her its so humid outside and I think that seems to make it worse... however Dr. Adams says it really doesn't I can't help but think it has some bearing on the severity... but what do I know?! Anway... she is just hanging low and just waiting for Friday. Please keep her in your prayers for healing thoughts and a successful and safe procedure. We will get to the other side of this disease AGAIN! :-) Chin up as Wilbur says!

So I had an idea tonight to do a blog poll because I don't have any new pics to share. Kenedey helped me come up with these questions at dinner. I don't get many comments on my blog... for those of you who don't know at the bottom if you click on where it says "Comments" you can post a comment. So leave your answers there if your interested in playing along...we will see how it goes. I will also post Kenedey and my answers in the comments section!

I hope all of you who read from the Michigan area are keeping cool! I think cooler days are in sight. Sorry but ill take this heat ANY day over the snow and frezzing rain and icy roads. Come on heat!

We are having a garage sale this weekend at Jessica's so I spent the evening going through baby stuff to get rid of. I usually keep on top of taking out Carson's stuff that he doesn't use any longer, but I don't think I have done it since he was like 10 months old and it was sad tonight getting all that little baby stuff out to get rid of. He is such a toddler now! Walking sure makes them seem grown up quick! I know I shouldn't be sad, its a great thing that he is growing so well and is so smart and all that stuff I try desperately not to take for granted. However he is my baby and he was born yesterday right?!

This post turned out to be longer than I expected but now ill get on with my origional plan:

The questions: Enjoy and be sure to comment your answers below

Remember Kenedey helped me with them!

  1. Which type of milk do you prefer MOST? Chocolate, vanilla, plain or organic?

  2. What is your fav type of pop/soda?

  3. What is your choice of laundry detergent?

  4. Gel Pens or regular bic type or pencil?

  5. Type of toothpaste you prefer:

  6. Fav store to shop for clothing?

  7. Fav store for groceries?

  8. Fav. store for home decor?

  9. Body wash or bar soap and what brand/scent/flavor?

  10. Fav type of face wash?

  11. Fav type of shampoo?

  12. Fav color?

  13. Fav food?

  14. Fav desert?

  15. What are you hobbies/passions?

  16. Fav flower

  17. Fav TV Show?

  18. Best item you ever recieved/must have baby item?
  19. Fav quote:

Monday, July 9, 2007

I dont know why but the title part to my blog isnt working for some strange reason. Anyway... today's post is: A relaxing end to a hairy Monday.
Yesterday was SO hot I think it reached about 100 degress in the sun. We stayed inside all day. Just too hot for Carson to be outside. Kenedey can handle it because she knows not to stay out long and just chill... but with him being NON-STOP he gets little red cheeks very quickly. So he was pretty much a monster child yesterday just getting into everything he shouldn't. Proabably bored being inside all day! Whats new?!

Today back to work as usual... I hate that place today! Oh wait I say that more than I should don't I. Well here's what happened today. My coworker lets just call her "Petunia" to protect the innocent! LOL Anyway... another coworker was on vacation last week well call her "Mrs. Do all for Petunia" God I hope they dont read this... .im really going out on a limb here. Anyway Mrs. Do-all was gone so petunia had instruments to auto clave... for those of you who don't know thats how you clean insturments from surgical procedures. I was there on Monday but on Tues I was gone and then wed. was the 4th. I went to work on Thurs. 1st thing of the day and right off the bat we had an office surgery. Not uncommon for a Thurs. morning. So we are getting stuff out to do the procedure and NO CLEAN INSTRUMENTS. Well our boss (office manager) was really upset because apparently on Tues when I wasn't there they were supposed to do the autoclaving and didn't... rather Petunia said she would and didn't. Therefore Dr. R doesn't have what he needs.... dun dun dun dunnnnnn... not a good senario. I scramble to find more and borrow a surgical kit from our other office upstairs and the whole thing works out as one big cluster but we get it done and the patient is satisfied. Well thats all good... well the topic comes back out today. Somehow Petunia and Mrs. Do-all find the "mess" of autoclave that now has all been rearranged by our office manager and myself. They were pissed because they couldn't find where stuff was and who's was what and all that crap. FYI our office does the autoclave for the other 2 offices thus the confusion on who's instruments were who's. Rather than ask questions the two twits just start feeding accusations of whose fault this must be and low and behold guess who!!! No one but ME! What's new im used to it... see the funny thing is... I wasn't even there. But hey its cool ive got broad shoulders. Well our office manager steps in and clears things up that Petunia DIDNT DO HER JOB... SHOCKER!!! Kari wasn't even there. See Mrs. Do all covers Petunias ass all day everyday so no one notices that Petunia is a worthless piece of $%^$ I mean trash... oops did I say that! Sorry this has turned into a complaint department... but gosh why are these women so....UGH... once again... cool its my fault and I get the silent treatment for probably the next week to 2 weeks. RETARTED DRAMA Sounds fun doesn't it. Oh well. I'll just continue to enjoy the patients.

Speaking of patients... one lady... her name is Carolyn and her husband brought me in a gift today. It was a thank you gift and it was SO nice. It was a Vera Bradley type bag and she had my name embroidered on the bag. Its a purple paisley type with my name embroidered in white... SO NICE! Im not a good accepter of gifts... id much rather give.... I enjoy seeing people get something nice... but seriously it was so kind and incredibly generous. This lady is not a healthy woman and how she ever found the time to think of me I will never know... she is one of those people who keeps her chin up all the time no matter how sick she is and let me tell you sometimes she is incredibly ill. She tells me these cute stories of how handsome and sexy this or that man is all while her adoring husband sits by her and dotes all over her! They are so cute! They have been married many years.... i think nearly 40 or maybe more. Anyway.... they have such a loving relationship and both are so comfortable in their roles in their marriage. Just neat to see. Anyway... again it was so nice of her to be so nice to me.

After work my cousin Jessica came and picked up my kiddos and met me at my grandparents lake house. We had dinner there and then my PapPap took us out on the pontoon. It was a GREAT night to be at the lake. We went swimming and let me tell you Carson loves the water. He cried as we slowly drove out to where we could swim because we were too slow for him he wanted to get it in... mind you he has NO concept of he would drown if I just let him go! Doesn't stop him! We got to where it was VERY deep and I was the first to dive it! REFRESHING! Not a bit cold! We swam with the kids and had a great time. I hadn't seen my PapPap in a long time and he had never seen Carson. It was neat... I think they really hit it off... with the exception of Carson's whining... who wants to hear that. They have a little Jack Russell named Sherlock and Carson loved that dog. Anyway... it was a really nice time hanging out with them, I enjoyed their company. We used to be really close but somethings change you know... so it was good to be back in good company.

Kenedey had a great time while she fished for fishies with a net at the end of the dock after swimming. She probably caught 30 fish total... she threw all of them back or they jumped back in from the bucket. I caught 3 and it was bittersweet because I used to do that so many times when my parents and I lived there @ that very house more than 12 years and more ago! The smell of the water at the end of the dock was EXACTLY the same! Strange how a place like that can bring back a memory or two. Those were good summers out there chasing the boys I think their names were Jason and Justin and riding Jet Skis and catching fish! Oh to have those days again! LOL I didn't have my camera because I didn't get the call to come out until I was at work and Jessi picked up the kids for me at my house, bummer about the camera!

I talked to my mom about Grandma Grace tonight, she is coming into the office on Thurs for a recheck appointment. She is turning out to be not the most compliant of patients! I have to pretty much TELL her what to do and when to do it or she doesn't do it. I guess I really don't mind I figure its the least I can do for her... for godsake she is 88. She is not feeling 100% yet, so ill know more after Thurs to see if she is healing up and what the next steps are if any. She's still my cute little grandma that im so lucky to have and know.

Well ive rambled enough for tonight... Im going to do some work on my blog and see what else I can add to interest all you lurkers out there who don't leave me comments! Cool thanks!

I leave you with some pics of Carson watching Chugga on the computer. It's this song on playhouse Disney that he is obsessed with. You can check it out at playhouse if your interested! LOl But all he says is SSSHHH Ahhh... shhh ahhh... very cute! Ill try to record it and put it on here sometime! Not tonight though!
obsess much!

Also some pics of Carson beating up his big sister... you think im kidding right... WELL IM NOT! He is a mean little bugger... not so much mean as he is rough and tough... who knew he would be this way? UGH... what are we going to do? Imagine if his sister was only like 2 years older or so... in that case she would be lucky to be alive with how rough he is... Good thing Kenedey can hold her own most of the time. Although she should tell him no more... she is just too tolerant of him. Ill have to tell her now that I think about it that she needs to not be so tolerant or else he will think he can treat other kids that way. Good idea! Night and peace out girl scout!