Easter Loot!
We had a great Easter! We went for dinner over at Jason's mom and Stepdad's. They rented out the hall where they live. Kids had a great time, food was great, but couldn't go outside for the Easter Egg Hunt like usual. So, they just hid the eggs inside. Carson wasn't really into finding the eggs! I guess it does seem a little silly to him... he will probably get more into it next year.Kenedey dragging sleepy head out of bed and trying to show him the jelly bean trail.
He woke up this morning after we had to pull him out of bed. He is on a terrible schedule right now. He does not want to go to sleep at night and will just sit in his bed and scream forever. It really sucks. I will get it straightened around this week. He was up at 8:30 took about a 30 minute nap at about 1:30, then fell asleep on our way home tonight for about 20 minutes. Now it's 10:45 and he thinks he just had a nap. I tried to keep him asleep when we got home, but no such luck. I let him do the crying thing for a long time, but Jason has to get up early so I just don't have the heart to make Carson cry it out tonight... it will keep Jason awake. I'm going to let him play for a little while and then try again.Lovin' his "shshee"
Carson did great following the trail to the Easter basket. Of course sissy helped him but he was pretty excited when he saw that there was a Dora movie in there. I don't know where or when he decided that he loves Dora, but suddenly he REALLY likes her! Of course Mater and the Car's crew are still at the top of his list.
After Easter with Jason's family we headed over to my cousin Tina's. My aunt Connie (Jessi's mom) is up for the weekend visiting from Florida. It was great to just hang out and let the kids play. Carson really had fun. I didn't see him half the time! He was pretty much off playing the whole time. It feels unusual now when he's not right with me all the time. I think it's great that he is venturing off!
Aunt Connie & Lauren
Kenedey has a nice short week this week.... then it SPRING BREAK! She is going to Florida for break to visit my parents. I know she is really looking forward to it because 2 of her cousin's who are very close in age are also going to be there. She really looks up to both of them and I know she can't wait to hang with them! I wish I could be there just to watch them! They will be so cute together. Kenedey is kind of like the little one since she is the youngest girl, both of my nieces are great girls and they treat her very sweetly! I'm so excited for Ken to have time with them, and no Carson to bug her when she's trying to do "girl things"! Of course we will miss her!I can't remember if I have posted that Kenedey met her AR (acclerated reader) goal!!! I am so proud of her! When Maddie was over here I was asking the girls about what goal levels other kids have and Maddie was telling me that most only had to get to 12 or something like that... Kenedey had to get to 17. What's up with that? I guess I don't fully understand how AR points work. Must be some type of formula.
Cute pics of Carson just out of bed. Too funny!
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