So Jane tagged me today! Here goes some randoms!!!
Here are the rules:
1.Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2.Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3.Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4.Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
OK so here goes!
- I am the only person in my family who doesn't like popcorn. I actually don't mind the taste of it, but I can't stand it when it's in my teeth. So it's not even worth it for me to eat it. When I was pregnant for Carson it was something that I craved. After I had him... I don't think I have eaten it once... but guess who does love Popcorn? Yep Carson!
- I smell EVERYTHING. Some to name a few: paper, carpet, children, peoples hair, anything plastic, new shoes, any new item, laundry, clean diapers frest out of the pack, pillows, anything I eat or drink. I can't help it. It sort of an obsession. I don't think people know I do it, but when something smells bad, like a baby who drinks soy formula, I have a terrible time wanting to hold them because it's stinky. I know weird :-( I have been "caught" sniffing weird things and my husband will be like... "did you seriously just smell that?"
- I procrastinate everything. I have this problem with being late all the time. I don't like to be late, but I think it's an issue of I am so afraid that I am going to get somewhere and have to wait and for some reason waiting causes serious anxiety for me. I think over the years I have trained myself to be late so that I can jump right in to anything that I am doing. RUDE OF ME.
- I am terrible about taking medicine. I am supposed to take a thyroid medication everyday and for some stupid reason I can't get into the habit of it. I feel terrible I don't take it, but I forget. My daughter is the same way. Except it's imparative that she take her medications for her Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis but she "forgets". We must have a routine all the time or it would never get done. It makes me mad that we do this... I WANT to remember and just don't.
- I don't consider myself a very creative person, yet I have this need to be creative. Nothing makes me happier than when I get to be creative. Strange.
- I rarely watch TV and that's not intentional. There are a couple of shows that I love but just have a terrible time setting down to watch something and being commited to watching it. I finally found one this past year that I really liked. Private Practice. Just when I really got into it... writer's strike happened. I cannot tell you the last time I watched a whole show entirely. I can't sit still long enough.
- My house is so cluttered. I can't wait to move and have more room so it doesn't look so cluttered. I love a contemorary purposeful looking room... my home is far from that. Before I had Carson I was so organized and clean... once he was able to get into everything... I gave up. I wish I hadn't. Now it's tough to turn back!
Holy are a "smeller" too? That's hilarious! I am the exact same way! I can't believe we both posted that on our blogs. I smell EVERYTHING. My husband catches me too and always picks on me. It's such a gross habit but I can't stop.
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