Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's officially here...

Carson started Daycare today! I took him this morning and dropped him off. When we went in he really wasn't too thrilled about going into the room. I really don't think he knew what exactly was going on. However, he must have sensed something because once the door closed behind us, he wasn't too happy about it. He didn't like being shut in the room with everyone. But I used my happy excited voice and told him... "ok buddy, your going to have lots of fun today and I will pick you up later, be a good boy" and blah blah blah. I got him all settled in and started to say goodbye. Sarah (who runs the daycare) told me I could sneak out the side door... I told her no, I don't want to get into the habit of "sneaking out". I used to do that with Kenedey when she was little because I didn't want her to cry. I think it was more of a selfish thing because then I didn't have to listen to her cry. Made me too sad, however, I want to do this right since I know better now, and I want to tell him goodbye so he doesn't wonder where I went. Well he got busy playing so I went on my way. I called around 10:30 and they said he was doing just fine, he had a little meltdown once he realized was gone for real. Also when they changed his diaper he threw a little fit for them... yep that's Carson.

He has been doing really good lately about his tantrums. I feel like we have gotten ahold of the tantrums and we have finally figured out what works with him and what does'nt. Good feeling. Don't get me wrong we are still working on it, but im not at such a loss for what to do now. I really think going to daycare is going to help a lot. We will see.

Jason went to pick him up today, so I didn't get to talk to the ladies who work there, but Jason said that they said he did really well. Naptime was a concern for me, but it must have gone well according to Jason. You know details aren't that important, but I will for sure ask on Thurs. He is home tomorrow with Mandy again then next week he goes Mon, Wed. Fri... then onto full time! Ill keep you updated! I have pics that I took this morning, ill put some up later, I just really don't feel like uploading them right now, maybe tomorrow, too tired tonight! Night!