Sunday, October 21, 2007


One Jeep just like this!

Jason and I took the kids over to Flavor Fruit Farms(FFF) today for some fun. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out to be the best time ever. It was a gorgeous day... and I mean gorgeous the wind was high, the colors were vibrant, the air was just the right temp.

Carson on the other hand, ALL he wanted to do was ride in this Jeep. We had him in the stroller and they had a fire truck the kids could check all out and sit in and all that good stuff. He was way more impressed with this darn Jeep. I let him play in it for a few minutes the scooped him up to move onto the next thing we could find. Well, he wasn't having it. I tried to distract his attention to the horses and ponies they had, yeah that was fine for about 5 seconds. Then he RAN... NO SPRINTED back to the Jeep. I gave him a few more minutes then wanted to go with Jason and Ken so again scooped him up and he seriously kicked and screamed and threw himself all over the place... seriously embarrassing as heck.

We headed into the little area where you can buy apples and cider. The Cider was wonderful. I have read that it gets better the further into the season you get let me tell you it was perfect today. That was my treat for the day. We got 2 bags of honey crisp apples (everyone here LOVES them). Last bag I bought was gone within like 2 days.

How do you like that hair and face?!
Jason and Ken picked out pumpkins and after that we decided to head out. Jason wanted to take Kenedey to the Coney Hut in Jonesville. It's a place where they bring your food out to your car on the tray... I'm not crazy about food like that so it wasn't torture on me at all. I happily drank my Optifast and confession: I did have 1 bite of Jason's coney and a couple of his fries. It's tough when it's right in your face. :-( However... I didn't have what I normally would by any means. So im still happy with that.

This evening we decided to carve our pumpkins. Carson wasn't totally into it but it held his attention for a few minutes anyway. It was fun to watch him experience it anyway. Kenedey did an awesome job digging out all the gunk! She wanted to have a witch face on her pumpkin! Just so I don't overload you with photos I will save some for tomorrow of the final product of the pumpkins! I love this time of year!!!


Libby said...

Your kids are so cute! Kenedy looks just like you and Carson looks just like Jason! Yes, we're completely aware that Olivia looks exactly like Travis. But she has my attitude! Yes, she's pretty stubborn and lively!

It looks like we just missed each other at FFF by a day - we were there on Saturday.