Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall, Family, & FUN

Had a totally busy, yet very fun day. Got up this morning and Jess watched Ken and Carson so I could go to "work"! I got to Jessi's around 2 and Kayla was there and they wanted to make Pumpkin Rolls... This has now become a tradition for the 3 of us. I really wanted to bale out on it because of my diet, however, I don't want to eliminate traditions just because its easier. I have to learn to live with it, so we went ahead with the pumpkin rolls and Jessi also made Peanut Butter Banana bread.

I did try some of each of those. But, I did awsome considering what I would have normally eaten. I just had a small slice of pumpkin roll and a bite of the bread. I cut out one of my "diet drinks" so I should be all set on not too many calories. I must say I am proud of myself. Sweets are certainly my downfall.

I also highlighted Kayla's hair for her and gave her a good cut. She got a few inches off. I'm sure she lost 5 lbs! She has some seriously thick hair.

The fall leaves are so gorgeous right now. I am hoping they stay that way through next weekend when my mom comes up. Today was just so gorgeous and sunny, yet a chill in the air, but not cold! LOVE IT!!! I took these pictures with my mom in mind (no fall color change in Florida). They were incredible. They are in the Bonsai exhibit at Hidden Lake Gardens and I was just amazed because the trees are roughly 10 years old but miniture... so cool.