Saturday, May 19, 2007

Experiments with camera today

Well as usual another busy day! I went to work for a few hours this morning. I stopped at a few garage sales on my way there... then after work I picked up my great grandma who just got back from Florida and we went to kenedey's soccer game. Then we stopped at a few more garage sales and I bought a bread maker for 10 bucks. I have wanted one for awhile and I figured what the heck. Its in great shape the lady said she used it like once or twice! That might be all I use it but at least I only paid 10 for it!

We all took a little nap this afternoon until Jason got home from work... my neck is hurting me TERRIBLY. I can hardly do anything between that and my abdomen doing sore I feel worthless, but I will get depressed if I sit around so im bearing with the pain the best I can. We went over to my cousin Jessica's tonight so I could experiment with my camera some more and hang out too. I want to enter her daughter Lauren in Nicole's beautiful baby contest because I think the girl is GORGEOUS! So hopefully my pics turned out good enough for Nicole to see how cute Lauren really is. She is a busy girl so it was tough to capture what I wanted to get. So ill post some pics here for you to see. I also got some of Carson walking or at least trying to! He's SO close!

Enjoy the pics! I used my camera on Manual since im trying to learn more about photography I think they turned out pretty good for not knowing much at all. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.