Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The view out the back of my parents home in Ohio isnt it beautiful?

So today i've been thinking about the word and meaning of BALANCE in life. This is something that I really struggle with. I don't do a very good job of balancing life, relationships, people and other things, its for sure a big weakness. I decided that I would post something in the hopes that some of you would share your views, thoughts, questions, ideas, etc about balancing life. I thought it may be a interesting topic of discussion. I often do really well in different areas of life and fail in others all due to lack of "balance". For example one week I do a really nice job of accomplishing different things like housework that I want to but fail in organizing other areas of life. Does this make any sense at all to anyone or am I talking about crazy stuff here! Its a tough concept/feeling to explain so let me know if you don't get it. It was sort of a reflective thing I was thinking about and do on occasion so that's where this came from in case you were wondering!

Jason's grandma Carpenter is not doing well at all. She had a stroke last Thurs. He went to see her today in the nursing home where she is. It sounds like its not good at all. I feel really bad because he was really close to this grandma growing up. They certainly had a special bond that no everyone gets to have with their grandparent. I know its really tough on him. :-(

Kenedey gets to go on her field trip to Walker Tavern tomorrow. She is really excited about it. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Carson is really starting to throw temper tantrums. AHHHHHH! He is starting to arch himself back and yell when he doesnt get his way. Tonight he laid down on the floor face down on his belly and cried because he was told he couldn't play with the printer and bang on it! Ugh im afraid it might be a long road! Good times!

I just heard from my mom a little bit ago and she made it safely back to Florida and it sounds like as usual she hit the ground running. She is already out and about taking care of the houses. Crazy lady! Gotta love her!
Carson lookin at his big Henry Harrison Kenedey and Taylor
cousin Harrison! husking corn!
Here are some more pics from the weekend. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job with balance, you are just not aware of it! Anyone that is a mom of two, works full time, runs a household and is a great blogger is doing quite well!!! Keep up the good job you got it all together!!! Ellen