Most of the time around here it's a girls night. Meaning Kenedey is usually the one who has her friends over.
Well, last night Carson got his first turn. Kenedey spent the night over at Jessi's and Hutch and Jen asked if we could watch Talan while they went bowling. I've talked about Talan before, but just for an update. His big sister is Kenedey's friend Taylor who she spends a lot of time with and they are long time family friends. Talan is 11 months old. (I can't believe that Jen).
The boys had a FANTASTIC time. They played super well together. I must say I was a little nervous about how I would do with two little one's close in age, but it was way better than I expected. Carson was so nice to him. He was a little too nice at times offering/trying to pick Talan up a couple of times. He shared really well with him and even entertained him. They had dinner together at the table and giggled at each other. It was adorable!
Talan was pretty quiet for the first half hour or so and I thought wow this kid is so calm. But then again im used to Mr. Busy all the time. After he had his cereal he warmed up and just played and played.
It really made me see what a big boy Carson has become. He has hardly any baby left in him! :-( Didn't really make me sad, but just made me realize how much he has grown up and so quickly. And really Talan didn't seem all that much baby like either, he was just born a few months ago right Jen?! He should just be sitting there not doing much still, but that little guy was all over the place and right in the middle of all the toys!
Enjoy the pics!
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