I got this from somewhere I can't even give credit because I picked it up just a few day's ago and can't remember who's blog. (sorry whomever you are/were... thank you!) Anyway, I thought it seemed fun! I like little thoughtful questionairre's! Enjoy!
Fascinate me
1. A child's innocence
2. True love.
3. A mother's love for her children even when they are grown.
4. people watching :-)
5. People who sing really well!
Inspire me
1. Someone's clean and perfectly organized house, I try but seriously how do the do it?!
2. My daughter's kind heart.
3. Older couples who are so in love even after all those years.
4. Pictures
5. Watching some of my friends who are so good with their kids, I love picking up tricks of the motherhood trade! Example: You need to have a happy heart honey. from Donna Duckhorn has always stuck with me! :-)
Anger me
1. child abuse/neglect
2. Drunk Drivers
3. People who do drugs/smoke/drink when they are pregnant.
4. Parents who could care less.
5. Unsympathetic people
Confuse me
1. My son! :-) (sorry it was the first thing that came to my head!
2. Unforgiving people who preach the gospel yet seem to live a life that doesn't mirror what they are trying to teach. I realize we are not all perfect, and I will be the FIRST to say im not by far... but certain situations just make me feel so confused.
3. Chemistry
4. People who do drugs... seriously does that make you feel better. I don't get it.
5. Controlling people
Delight me
1. Carson's belly laugh
2. Seeing Kenedey's face full of excitement or happiness.
3. Feeling loved
4. Scrapbooking!
5. Doing thoughtful things for other people and watching them find joy in whatever it might be.
Amaze me
1. People who can "DO IT ALL"
2. People with musical talent that comes naturally
3. People with unusual talent who use it for good!
4. How much children grow in the first year and then how quickly they grow up and are suddenly adults.
5. The miracle of childbirth/pregnancy
Sadden me
1. Sad or unhappy depressed people who aren't capable of or don't know how to help themselves
2. Parents who don't care about what their kids are into or anything about them
3. Selfish people
4. Hurting people unintentionally because of my own stupidity
5. Hurt.
Fullfill me
1. My entire family
2. accomplishing whatever I set out to do that day.
3. Completing a list that I generated full of stuff that I really would rather not do!
4. A clean house and laundry done!
5. A nap! :-)
Frighten me
1. Snakes
2. Something happening to one of my children or my husband or any family for that matter.
3. Loosing my mom. (my rock)... best mom ever... this has been a fear for me since I was a little girl... I was always afraid she would die before me... Isn't that weird. Now I realize how selfish that really is since I would never want my mom to have to loose her only child (learned that after I found out how much I could love my own children.)
4. Cancer (not so much it causing death as the pain and agony I have seen some people/patients go through)
5. Roll over car accidents... If I see one my belly feels all upset.
Relax me
1. A nap
2. a great movie with the fam
3. reading
4. A day to myself
5. A massage and pedicure... oh what the heck dream big... a whole weekend at a salon! LOL
Now it's your turn!