Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life... playing catch up!

Here I am finally.. I am completely out of the blogging habit for some reason. I am going to give it a try and blog everyday for the next week.

Life is busy as usual around here. First the house... we have found MORE things that are going to cost us MORE money. We are both feeling like we should throw the towel in on this one and get out while we are still ahead. It has been a huge learning process and a tough one at that. I'll keep you all posted on what we decide to do. I can say for now though that we have started to look again!

Kenedey is doing great with softball! She has had 2 games. First game a week ago Monday she struck out 3 times. They did end up winning the game though 13-8. Not bad for a pretty inexperienced team! Then they had another game this past Monday. Ken did great. This is her first year playing. It was a lot of fun because they played the other Onsted team, so a few of Kenedey's friends were on the opposing team. I had a terrible time not cheering for the other girls too! I just cheered for them indivually, not for "their" team! Kenedey ended up with 2 base hits and made it home on one of them. Maddie her best bud was pitching for the opposite team! Apparently Maddie was giving Kenedey glares! All in good fun of course!

When Ken got up to bat, Maddie and the catcher were talking to each other. The catcher who also happens to be in Kenedey's class said to Maddie... "don't worry... it's JUST Kenedey!" Well she got on base right away! Nice way to make your buds eat their words! That game ended up we lost by one. It was a tie in the final inning! I was so proud of them all! Maddie's mom had made a comment that the teams were poorly balanced regarding experienced players, meaning that Kenedeys team has quite a few who have never played before and not a lot who are seasoned players. So another great reason why they proved to play so well!

This past Sat. I went and did Kaitlyn's hair for Napoleon's prom. Kaitlyn is Jessica's niece. I really am just posting these pictures for her to see!

My great grandma is keeping me and Kenedey busy. I have been running her to appointments and errands. I love doing this with her because it makes me feel useful and also gives me time to spend with her! I just love her as you already know!

Last weekend I watched a bunch of kiddos so their parents could go out! I had Kaylyn, Daymian, Lauren, Kenedey, & Carson. They did great. I have never actually watched Kaylyn and her and Carson were pretty funny together! Here's a few pictures for you Nikki!