Thursday, June 7, 2007

lazy day

My dude ridin his "bike"

Well its been a rather boring day, i'm not complaining. Yesterday was very long and busy. Wednesday's are not my favorite day of the week because I work at least 10 hours that day and when I get home I just want to do absolutely nothing. Anyway Thurs. are my short and simple/easy day. I only work until about 1pm. I came home today and pretty much just hung out with the kids. Tomorrow is Ken's last day of school. She will be done with 4th grade. UGH. I can't believe she will be in 5thgrade. Last year of elementary school. I actually remember being in 5th grade and 4th for that matter. I remember a lot about those years. Kenedey just came into my room and passed out on my bed about 5 minutes ago. She has obviously been busy at school this week because she has been tired.

We have been struggling with her lately. I know its the age, but she is starting to get mouthy. She is loosing respect for people and really pushing to see what she can get away with. We talked to her last night about when we ask her to do something we expect that she do it and not give us the but why a million and ten times. Why isn't because I said so enough? Also she is back talking for example, Kayla and I went for our walk last night and Kenedey and her friend went too and rode their bikes. Kayla told Kenedey that she shouldn't ride her bike through this one houses yard, and Ken's reply was... "well the house is for sale, no one lives there." Im thinking soooo that makes it ok?" Well I stopped her right after she said that and said that is what I'm talking about when I said that you are disrespectful earlier. She should have just said... oops sorry and moved out of the yard. She did get out of the yard, but why the comments. So yeah, im all over that one with her... im going to stay on her. I tend to get relaxed about things sometimes and don't even notice that shes doing it, but I intend to make a concious effort not to ignore things like that so that they don't get further out of hand. Jason and I talked about it too and she does it to him also. So we are on the same page and hopefully together him and I can work on this with her. Yuck. I know I know, worse things are to come! She really is so sweet though for the most part! She's just growing up right before ours eyes and very quickly I must say.

I took a little nap this afternoon when I laid Carson down. He has recently gotten away from his 2 naps a day and gone to one long one. Today though he was so fussy. I think he is getting another tooth. He's got diarrhea, a minor rash (more like butt irritation) and whiny. He slept for about 2 hours this afternoon, and I snoozed on the couch. Kenedey just relaxed and watched some TV and played on the computer. Anyway... he woke up and ate some dinner, still fussy. I took him outside in the yard to play and brought out some toys, still fussy. The neighbor kids and their mom came out to play with him and chat and he played a bit, but still whined! UGH. I hate that sound. It's really quite a pathetic noise! So we finished up outside about 7:45 and came in he had a little snack and I put his bootie to bed. He was out pretty quickly... I guess maybe the teething is making him more tired than usual. I did give him some tylenol to see if that would help at all and it really didn't. Maybe a tiny bit. Oh well it's just another phase of toddlerhood! He had this little toy that shakes and bounces and he was putting the nose in his mouth on his gums, I think it must have felt good. I tried hard to get a picture of it, no such luck this is the best I could get.

He has a black eye now. On Sunday when we were over at Jessica's he fell and hit his head on her night stand. It was a really bad goose egg and he cried and cried, now they bump on his head isn't too bad, but the bruising has moved into his right eye near the nose. He has his first shiner. awwww

I was just taking random pics trying to get one of him and I here, I am always the one behind the camera, so its tough to get pics of me and the kids.

So im not sure what the weekend holds for us. Jason has to work all weekend as usual. Jessica said she wanted us to come hang out but Ryan (her soon to be ex husband) is coming into town, so that may change things a bit. Other than that im not sure what else we might do. I need to get over and hang out with my great grandma Grace. They called tonight and wanted to know why we hadn't been over lately. I think they said it had been a week. So yeah that should be a priority.
One of my patients at work today was telling me about this cropper hopper thing that she got for all her scrapbooking paper. Paper is like my biggest issue. I have such a hard time carrying it all when I go to crop. Actually now that I say that, that's really something I want to go do this weekend. Maybe nana would like to have Carson! I want to go to a place in Ann Arbor that is somewhat new and just hang out there for a few hours without interruption. Tomorrow night the mom's group I recently joined is having a "mom's night in" @ one of the mom's houses. It sounds really fun, so I hope to try to make it there tomorrow night. I guess we will see though. I know I would be fine once I get there, but it's a little intimidating just showing up not really knowing most of the people! But im not shy and I can talk to just about anyone... so im up for it!
Well of course all day iv'e thought about a million things I could blog about and now... what do ya know... that's all i've got! I guess it will do! NIGHT
One more thing I think my pics are getting better again, I have gotten rid of the grain problem.