Sunday, January 6, 2008

We made it... however... not with out having


Well, we are Home Sweet Home! Glad to be home. But as I said... we didn't make it without a, er, three, er four!

Started when we got to the airport. We immediately got searched. Me and two friggin kids who LOOK SO SUSPICIOUS. I mean I understand the whole security thing, but honestly did they have to choose a gal like me traveling by herself with two kids? Guess so.

We go the whole deal. They seperated us into another room... see through at that so everyone can watch you. They patted ALL of us down. I had to hold Carson the whole time and this took about 15 minutes. That wasn't the worst. Then we have to go stand over by our carry on luggage stuff so they can go through that and we have to stand there and watch them. The whole time Carson is freaking out because he wants to get down and run around. That would have been Ok... but THEN.... they touch our stuff with this paper thing and then put the paper through another machine. Apparently, Kenedey's bag, the diaper bag and Kenedey's boots all had some type of SOMETHING on them that must have had some sort of arsenic on them. WHAT THE HELL? ARSENIC? Where the heck did she get arsenic on her stuff? Im still confused. They were making a huge deal about it because 3 of our items tested "positive". So then they had to go and run them through the machine again and open EVERYTHING like 2 times... take everything out and put it back in. This all ended up taking roughly another half hour. Meanwhile, our names are being called overhead because we are not on our plane. I looked at the "supervisor" and said... ugh they are calling our names to board our plane we are supposed to leave in like 5 minutes. He just shrugged his shoulders... like its not his problem. Yeah buddy it's going to be your problem in a minute when I FLIP OUT!!!

We finally made it through security and I had planned to stop and get the kids something to drink before we boarded the plane. Yeah we didn't have time for that, we BOOKED to the gate and made it thankfully. My arms are still killing me from carrying everything and then a 28 pound toddler too. Gosh my life sucks sometimes! LOL Just my luck!!!

Carson was miserable as usual on the plane. We gave him some Benadryl before we left and didn't put him down for his nap. My thoughts were he will for sure pass out. NOT. SO. MUCH. Can you even believe this child? He stayed awake and fought me nearly the ENTIRE TIME. About 30 minutes into the flight a mean flight attendant passes by and tells me that I can't let Kenedey and Carson be buckled in the same seat together. What the heck lady... we did this on the way down. No questions asked, no problem at all. This at least restrained him. She MUST not have children! The attendant who was working our area told me it was fine with her and just to wait and put him back in that seat in a few minutes when she was gone. Somebody's grumpy!!! By this point my anxiety level was a 12 on a 1-10 scale. I don't know how people have the guts to travel further with a lap child. Like to California or somewhere REALLY far away! I think with Carson it's so much worse because he really cannot stand being restrained and it's worse when he can actually have somewhat of a choice to move. In his carseat its not a choice... he just can't... on my lap... not so much!

So anyway! Looking forward to the "routine" getting back to normal tomorrow. I don't have the energy this evening to unpack completely. After this afternoon... im spent! I need to get some groceries after work tomorrow and then i'll start the unpack after work!

One last thing... I am renaming my blog... "Living the Lucielle Ball Life". I'm sure you will understand by now!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Sounds like you had an interesting trip & an even more eventful return :) At least you could return to some warmer temps for a few days.
