Saturday, December 15, 2007

Start of the day...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you can see the snowflakes on his lashes!

Well, the bad weather is on it's way. It started this morning at around 9am we had been up for a couple of hours and Kenedey wanted to go play out in the snow. So I bundled up Carson and sent him out with her! They had SO much fun. Carson has never played in it before, so he was in his glory. I don't have snow pants for the poor guy. I have looked everywhere that I can think to look near home and nothing. I plan to order some online after seeing how much he enjoyed it. I can't wait now to take him sledding! My great Grandma Grace has a huge hill in front of her house and it's kind of a ritual to go down there a few times through the winter, so maybe once we get some snow pants for the kiddo we will head down there. I put 3 pairs of pants on him when he went out, and actually he stayed pretty warm. He came in and got in a warm bath afterwards! Kenedey did her first snow angel of the season! Too fun!


Mandy said...

LOVE THE SNOW PICS! TOO CUTE! I am so sorry I have been MIA- it has been so crazy around here! We need to get together in January for sure! Hope all is well! Merry Christmas, sweetie!